NOSTYLE Drift Crew: Open Recruitment, Locked Diffs

I miss drifting in GT, at least the way it used to be. Lobbies were full of friendly faces just looking to shred some tires and have a good time, and unfortunately this is no longer really the case. After sitting in yet another empty lobby last night I decided to attempt to remedy this.

I am happy to introduce to you NOSTYLE Drift Crew, a group for anyone who loves drifting. That's it. NOSTYLE is open to new players, grizzled veterans, and everyone in between. While this is a crew for everyone, there are a few rules:

1. Don't Grip
2. Do Drift
3. Be Social! (Mics are preferred but never mandatory)
4. If it's RWD, it's welcome (within reason, as long as you can hold a line it's generally fine)
5. Remember that Gran Turismo is a game, so relax and have fun!

NOSTYLE doesn't have official colors, and we certainly don't discriminate! We don't care if you use a wheel, a DS3, or a wiimote, just come drift and have a good time.

If you're interested in joining NOSTYLE I ask that you reply to this post with your:
  • PSN ID
  • Controller Type
  • Tire preference (Lobbies will be on CH unless the majority say they use something else)
  • Favorite car, track, or any other tidbit about yourself
I also created a club in GT6 (still named NOSTYLE Drift Crew, obv.) to make it easier to find us in-game. Entry is open so join us there too if you are so inclined.

If you don't want to join, or are already on a team/crew/club/whatever, but still want someone to drift with I'll be hosting an open Free Run lobby on Friday nights (as my schedule allows) starting tomorrow at 9:00pm Central and ending when everyone leaves. Map selection will always be up for vote, and even if you don't join our crew we'd be happy to have you!

I know the community is kind of dead right now, but I'm sure there are enough of us around to get some good lobbies going again. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the crew I'd be happy to hear them.
Is the thread too dead to join the crew? I would like to join a crew that's open to average players but also has some people to help with random tuning BS.
I am usually on starting around 1 a.m. pacific time zone. If you guys also play around my hours, I would love to join some of your sessions~ If my playing hours fit the bill, let me know and I can then share my game name etc. to meet up.
I am usually on starting around 1 a.m. pacific time zone. If you guys also play around my hours, I would love to join some of your sessions~ If my playing hours fit the bill, let me know and I can then share my game name etc. to meet up.
I'm on late (8-2am EST) on the weekends when I'm staying with family. PSN is the same as my name above. (I only go to servers on the weekend because my home internet is slower than 1mbps.)

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