Not Acquiring Paint Chips

I bought a car for a specific paint chip, and when I went to apply that paint chip to a different car, it wasn't available. I went to check if this problem was unique to that car (Shelby Cobra), but there were other paint chips missing. Is anyone else encountering this problem?
I bought a car for a specific paint chip, and when I went to apply that paint chip to a different car, it wasn't available. I went to check if this problem was unique to that car (Shelby Cobra), but there were other paint chips missing. Is anyone else encountering this problem?

Some cars don't provide the paint chip at all, even if they have a name. Other cars you buy that have stripes, like the Cobra or a Viper or the GT350 don't provide the colour chip. In that case you buy it without the stripes after. (On a side note cars with stripes can be repainted and retain their stripes. Sometimes the stripes change colour depending on the body paint as well.)

The thing to notice is when you buy the car, and it says delivering your car with the music etc. if it says "You have acquired x paint chip" then it'll be in GT Auto, but if it says nothing like that then you don't get that paint chip.
Ah, well that's a shame. I kinda wondered if that was the case, but I was hopeful that it wasn't. Can anyone confirm if you receive the color "guardsman blue" if you buy the cobra without the stripes?