Not another word out of you Welsh people...

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LONDON (Reuters) - A Welsh rugby fan cut off his own testicles to celebrate Wales beating England at rugby, the Daily Mirror reported Tuesday.

Geoff Huish, 26, was so convinced England would win Saturday's match he told fellow drinkers at a social club, "If Wales win I'll cut my balls off," the paper said.

Friends at the club in Caerphilly, south Wales, thought he was joking.

But after the game Huish went home, severed his testicles with a knife, and walked 200 yards back to the bar with the testicles to show the shocked drinkers what he had done.

Huish was taken to hospital where he remained in serious condition, the paper said.

Wales's 11-9 victory over England at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff was their first home win over England in 12 years.



Tell me he was just REALLY REALLY drunk, and woke up like, "WTF HAPPENED TO MY BALLS????"
Sounds like a case of ESAC*. But England deserved to lose anyway, they played horribly.

*Excess Stella Artois Consumption

Some people...
This guy was known to have had some mental problems in the past though. Hey Jared, if Man U win the Premiership could you please do the same!

Oh and yes, Welsh people are crazy, if there was a way to detatch the country and move it over to New Zealand I would.
Stella Artois is a Belgian beer (I think) and is mainly drunk in the uk. I just said that it's a redneck beer so that you could get a mental picture of the type of people that drink it.
Stella Artois is a Belgian beer (I think) and is mainly drunk in the uk. I just said that it's a redneck beer so that you could get a mental picture of the type of people that drink it.

So it's drunk by most of the UK public, right?
Stella Artois is a Belgian beer (I think) and is mainly drunk in the uk. I just said that it's a redneck beer so that you could get a mental picture of the type of people that drink it.

I thought it was French? Although that might just be me watching too may Stella Artois adverts. People like Jared, if they lived in England would probably drink it.

More than likely.

I didn't know we had rednecks in England, just Pikeys and idiots who wear tracksuits and burberry.
"Had" being the operative word. And a brain approximately the same size, apparently.