Not received my reward

United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Predicted the winners for the grand finals and haven't received any rewards for it any info on how I get the rewards stated when predicted right
Were the car prizes just for watching the stream? , I got 1million for picking Spain but none of the 2 cars that are available and got to wait on the new car, been online everyday since the gt world finals started. Not entirely bothered as I have those cars but still could sell them :)
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Were the car prizes just for watching the stream? , I got 1million for picking Spain but none of the 2 cars that are available and got to wait on the new car, been online everyday since the gt world finals started. Not entirely bothered as I have those cars but still could sell them :)
The cars (or their tickets) won't be sent out until Monday December 11th. At least for the Toyota/Mazda.

Although, again, you need to have watched (any part of) the stream through the game. And can do so at any point up to 2359 UTC on Sunday December 10th.

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