Not releasing GTHD and GT5P for a sooner release of the full game of GT5

United States
Gatlinburg, TN
Would you have sacrificed the release of demoes in order for a quicker release...

It is very much possible for the full game to have been already released if the demoes had not been released... I would have for sure, we would all be having the time of our lives!
It's not possible for the full game to have been released yet with or without the demos provided the full game would be exacltey the same either way. In terms of diverting man power GT:HD and GT5:P will not have made a big impact, especially as everything in GT5:P was created for GT5 and only had to be implemented into GT5:P which did not take the etire workforce at PD. Time wise you are looking at a few weeks of time difference at most. When a demo is made the content serves two purposes, the demo and the final game so creating the content isn't taking anything away from the final game. What will probably take most time is organising stratergies for what to include/exclude and when to realse, update etc. Thoes will take most time from GT5, but the time taken won't stretch into the months.
especially as everything in GT5:P was created for GT5 and only had to be implemented into GT5:P
Nope, i doubt that, but GT5 wont be coming later, or at least not much later, because of Prologue. GTHD on the other hand really shouldnt have affected GT5s developement, because Eiger, some car textures, physics and the menu structure were really just placeholders.
Here is my input on the topic, you can't focus on the past. We will never know if it would have made the game come out faster, so why waste time thinking about it.
Would you have sacrificed the release of demoes in order for a quicker release...

It is very much possible for the full game to have been already released if the demoes had not been released... I would have for sure, we would all be having the time of our lives!


Everything from the demos will be used for FULL game, as well players contributed about PHYSICS feedback, and online connectivity. That way we will already have good physics in GT5 and good Online play with less Lag.

Development for Full GT5 game started even before Prologue, they just took some portion of full game, bit coding for Prologue menus, and they were done..
GTHD might have affected it, but who knows? Maybe the GT4.5 engine they used for HD was actually their development mule on which they refined the physics engine and etcetera of GT5.

GT5P would have had almost no effect. In fact, GT5P is a huge, extended, sold-for-profit Beta-test for GT5. PD's experience with GT5P's online issues, playability and user-feedback goes back into the making of GT5. Which is why I think all this whinging and whining about GT5P is daft... it's a demo, silly!

But my expectations of GT5 are going to be pretty high...
Yep i would. If PD wasn`t stuffing around with GTHD and Prologue,we`d have the game by now and not be waiting for another 12 months. Focus on the project PD because 5yrs between games is way too long no matter how good and popular the game may be! My friend only bought his PS3 as he was told that GT5 would be released in time for xmas `07,now we`ll be lucky to see it in xmas `09. Thats 2yrs of a ps3 sitting unused because the game has been pushed back and he is bitterly dissappointed about the delay.
Yep i would. If PD wasn`t stuffing around with GTHD and Prologue,we`d have the game by now and not be waiting for another 12 months. Focus on the project PD because 5yrs between games is way too long no matter how good and popular the game may be! My friend only bought his PS3 as he was told that GT5 would be released in time for xmas `07,now we`ll be lucky to see it in xmas `09. Thats 2yrs of a ps3 sitting unused because the game has been pushed back and he is bitterly dissappointed about the delay.

Read posts above yours... GT5P basically serves as a Beta for the game... an ongoing Beta that allows PD to test things and see how they work in the real world. Sure... it's a paid-beta, but unlike other Prologues before this, this one actually has a system which allows PD to see how the user-base likes it.
Yep i would. If PD wasn`t stuffing around with GTHD and Prologue,we`d have the game by now and not be waiting for another 12 months. Focus on the project PD because 5yrs between games is way too long no matter how good and popular the game may be! My friend only bought his PS3 as he was told that GT5 would be released in time for xmas `07,now we`ll be lucky to see it in xmas `09. Thats 2yrs of a ps3 sitting unused because the game has been pushed back and he is bitterly dissappointed about the delay.
The game hasn't been pushed back from Chrismas 07, whoever told your friend it was goingto be released then was simply passing on false information and it is not PD's fault if someone else as done that. With regards to GT5:P slowng down GT5's development, once again it doesn't realy do that. It's a prologue of what to come in GT5, all the cars and tracks modeled for GT5:P will be in GT5, the game engine used in GT5:P will be used for GT5. If anything, GT5:P will serve to improve GT5 upon release by allowing PD to tweak certain aspects of the physics engine and monitor peoples reactions to the PP points system and the penalty stystems in place and alter them to a better level before GT5 goes gold.

Ofcourse GT5:P will have an impact on GT5's decvelopment time, but it's doubtfull it will affect the launch by more than a couple of weeks if at all since a big title is usually held back so it launches during a peak sales period anyway.
The problem was that sony did not allocate enough people to work with AAA games in the first place. This goes into everything else in this generation of PS as they thought PS would be so supreme. Sony excutive even said that they made PS3 difficult to program on purpose.(to gain advantege to 3rd party or something)
Would you have sacrificed the release of demoes in order for a quicker release...

It is very much possible for the full game to have been already released if the demoes had not been released... I would have for sure, we would all be having the time of our lives!
As already said/implied, GTHD and GT5P are natural developments anyway that would have been made on the way to developing and testing GT5. The fact that these are released to people these days either on PSN or Blu-ray is purely down to those long development cycles and peoples impatience.

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