Not what I'm usually paid for...

  • Thread starter TB


Space Lord
United States
Downtown North Dakota
... but what do I care? A check is a check.

My typical job is designing lighting, power, communications systems, etc. for an Electrical Engineer. Yesterday, he came to me and asked me to design a logo for his sons basketball team. All I was given was the sketch below and then he left to go to a concert 4 hours away.


After a few hours of working on it and getting input from co-workers, I have come up with this:


The name of the team is, obviously, The Thunder. The premise of the logo is that it is loosely based on Thor's Hammer (hence the lightning), but ended up shifting more towards a general [SIZE=-1]bludgeoning[/SIZE] device. Also in connection to the lightning, as it's just a short hop away, was to create a lightning effect around the ball. Ball lightning, anyone? :P Lame, I know.

So, GTP'ers, what do you think? Be brutal, but also keep in mind that it is for jersey's for 11 year olds. :lol:
Personally I'd have kept the Thunder horizontal, maybe larger on the ends, or perhaps curved but with the end letter a little larger.

And darken the handle on the hammer, I could only just figure it out.

Otherwise, I'd say that's a very good logo.
As Exige said - Darken the handle a little, and in my book, it's a winner !..

Good job young man !... ;-)
And darken the handle on the hammer, I could only just figure it out.
Keep in mind that the image posted is smaller than the one I was working with. It shows up much better at work.

One other thing, not that it really matters: My boss said that they were leaning towards black, gray and navy blue for colors. I didn't know that until he got back this afternoon. Guess I got lucky on that one. :lol:

Thanks for the comments, guys! Keep 'em coming!