not your regular wheelie tune!

  • Thread starter toymdngn
United States
GTP_Toymdngn / toymdngn
so we like wheelies. i do, anyways. ever seen a FWD car do a wheelie? well, it's more like a reverse stoppie.....

i was goofing around with a little nissan be-1 (87 i think) and just tuned it with all the high end parts. took it out to the track and noticed this thing was light enough to bicycle without much effort. threw it in reverse and next thing you know, it's doing 2 wheeled fwd donut wheelies....

to tune it, just buy all the parts for it, and the race soft tires.

set front suspension height at max, rear at min. camber 0/0. toe F: -1.00 R:.00

shocks, springs and bars all at their lowest point.

now just take it to a track, throw it in reverse and just steer a little bit, next thing you know you'll be doing backwards FWD wheelies!

i know, pretty useless, but fun along the lines of the wacky lifted SUV vids and muscle car wheelies.

not from a dead stop, no. if you do a J turn but keep it in reverse instead of putting it into a forward gear it should pull the rear wheels straight up. i've got pics, i'll load one up real quick...
not from a dead stop, no. if you do a J turn but keep it in reverse instead of putting it into a forward gear it should pull the rear wheels straight up. i've got pics, i'll load one up real quick...

here ya go!



"Why, oh, why did I decide to have my new engine made out of osmium?"

why don't we have a :rofl: smiley?!

i thought about putting some ballast up front, but didn't get around to it today...
We do:


And while I'm here, please be a bit more mindful of the shift key and it's proper usage. :)

I didn't see that one...

And.... I'm sorry about the shift key thing. Not using it is still easier to read than 90% of the crap that posted anyways. :D
If i would to send you my transcammer would you make it do a wheelie

i'll just buy one and see if i can tune it for a wheelie. you could also search under "wheelie tunes", there might be something in there you can use. otherwise, i'll buy one and get it tuned an PM you with it.