Now is the time: Prologue (Explicit Language, Mature Audience ONLY!)

United States
Notice: I promise I will finish this race report. This story takes place in America, featuring a hotshot rookie racer named Scott Rutherford. After winning Tokyo's Kart Championship, Scott finds out his life is about to take off faster than an X2011.

October 25th, 2011
As Scott's plane lands back in America, he notices a strange vehicle illegally parked on the runway.

At first he didn't care, until he noticed it had a #18 on the side. Number 18 was his racing number. But why was this car just parked there? And more importantly, why was his number on it?

Scott approached the car, as he got closer, he saw what appeared to be 'HYBRID' written on the side.

What in the blue blazes is this thing? Some kinda joke?

Scott looked at the race car in front of him. His jaw dropped.

Scott looked at the passenger side window. There was a note attached to it. It read "Congratulations on your victory at Tokyo! Toyota would like to award you for your success by gifting you this brand new Prius Touring Car! Hot off the lineup of Toyota vehicles, this Prius boasts 242HP, and a staggering top speed of 160MPH! We wish you luck in the future, and we hope this Prius provides a good basic stepping stone into the American racing world. Good luck from your friends at Toyota!

Scott stared at the hideous thing in front of him. He tore up the note and stuffed it in his racing suit pocket. The car stood motionless, as if it was waiting to be awoken. With much hesitation, Scott finally climbed into the drivers seat. He inserted the key and turned it to start the car. The Prius roared to life like Megadeth on meth, leaving Scott quite shocked. Could this Prius actually be....a race car? Scott shifted it into Drive. He disliked the fact that he couldn't run through gears like a real man, but it was better than nothing.
The next day Scott hit the local race track and took the Prius for a spin.

Not too shabby, but this ain't no Corvette by a long shot!
The Prius charged up the hill like a raging bull, sticking firmly to the ground.

This is actually pretty fun!'s a Prius :yuck:
Scott threw the Prius around one of the trickiest corners on the track. It handled it like a walk in the park.

This baby's got potential. Wait, did I just call it a baby?
Scott rocketed in and out of the final turn, and pulled off the track.

Wow. I actually like this thing!
Scott exited the Prius, dripping sweat. He took one look at the Prius and smiled.
You may be great alone, but we'll see how you cope with some friends.

Chapter one coming soon! Stay tuned!
Toyota be trollin'. :lol: I hope you continue with this story, ZDUPH! 👍
Good to see you back... Can't wait for a bit more... :D I had the same thought as NascarManiac. Honda CRZ would have been cooler. :P

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