NTSC Championship - Summer Exhibition Match II - NO MERCY AT FUJI


SCANA Creator
United States
South Florida,
Chadwicksracing & Racecleanstupid
NTSC Championship - Summer Exhibition Match II - NO MERCY​
Fuji 700PP PRO​


Date: Tuesday August 4th, 2009
Time: 8:05 PM EST - 9:35 PM EST
Schedule: 8:05 8:35 9:05 9:35

Audi R8


Audi R8

Tire Compound: Front: S1 - Back S1 !!REQUIRED!!
Setups: Horse Power: +16 (Max)
Weight: 85 (lowest)
Changeable settings: Steering Angle, Brake Bias
Performance points: MUST REFLECT 633 EACH RACE
Starting positions will be determined by the server.

Since the NTSC Championship future is uncertain at this time. I decided that we will run a free exhibition match. These series of racing are suppose to be a fun, hard and exciting racing experience between ALL NTSC drivers.

The Event is for both Orange and Clubman. Also anyone that is on the waiting list for Clubman series. We will run 4 races from 8 EST to 9:35 PM EST. To sign up put your name, car and car color. Please feel free to share setups.

Driver List:​

Chadwicksracing - White
Clacksman - Red
Flash48 - Black
Windfire1010 - Red
Timeattack - White
Cerealkiller -
k1lld0z3r - Silver
Solarr - Blue

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clacksman - red - steering angle prolly 42 - brakes prolly low front/high rear

Yeah, baby. Been wanting to click the default button awhile now.

edit: :dopey:👍
GTP_FLASH48: Driving black Audi R8, or i should say attempting!:nervous: Never driven a car, without 1ABS. Also make you reset the weight, because it goes back to a 100%!
NO MERCY folks. This should be interesting. We will see a lot of wrecks the first few races. I have raced without ABS..the brakes are VERY touchy, more so than in real life I should think. Although, in other games, they do lock up at about the same as this game. Consider this easy, since its AWD. :P

I just did some testing with AI..my god! Hard. Brake bias is the key to not locking them up.
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And I thought a no-tune race would mean I wouldn't need testing. :scared:

Missed the part of the post because I always skip the pics.
Might not be able to make this one, will be tending to a wife without wisdom teeth, but if all goes smooth I might still make it.

WIll be in white if I can.
40 turn angle
4/3 brakes
Default rest
Trail-brake oversteer.
Power understeer in 3g and above.
Power understeer and/or oversteer in 2g.
The rear seems to lock up in the slower speeds...I have not found the right combo.
My Audi drives fairly good, untill you come to a corner! Most of the time, the rear end wants to lead around corners! Not good for fast lap times!
What ever the changes are due to the update this week, we will NOT change the car or format. If we must, we will change the Track and performance points to match that track.

Let the punches roll and the chess pieces fall where they must, because come Tuesday night, we will still race!
Flash, do you need my glasses, I already posted I skip the part with the pictures.:sly:

Who needs testing with a default tune?

Ah well, HSR was packed.
Damm EL_ZISSOU where did you get my picture? Oh clacksman i was in Africa when that picture was taken! I have also changed my glasses to wire frames!:sly::sly:👍
Damm EL_ZISSOU where did you get my picture? Oh clacksman i was in Africa when that picture was taken! I have also changed my glasses to wire frames!:sly::sly:👍

you must have forgot you sent me a post card, i guess thats what happens when you go on vacation and are having a good time :cheers:

congrats on the new glasses, you should post a picture 👍
Looks like we get to race Fuji still. But 10 laps of pain and suffering!!::nervous:

As for you EL_ZISSOU see if i sent you anymore post cards!:sly:
Moving this to Suzuka 550 would be an interesting prospect... well, that's just me though.
10 laps is a bit much i would say.