Nurb 24-minute first attempt

  • Thread starter NitroNihon
United States
Monmouth, Oregon
Car used: Nissan GT-R NISMO TURBO N24 Schulze Motorsport '13
Laps completed: 3

I'll just start by saying that the ending result was not as expected, but performance-wise I am very pleased. Also, the description of the race will be by laps (replay data not saved for time reference).

Race begins with light rain and approximately 10% surface water that is dropping. Early moves are made before the first corner and position is held until next straight. After about a minute, the rain begins to pick up and the surface water increases slowly. Tire option at time were soft racing tires, no loss of grip was noticed.

Position has increased to 7th as I catch up to a group of four about seven or so seconds behind the leaders. Two positions are gained before the Karussell, the remaining two immediately after.

Top speed of 172 MPH is enough to catch the second place contender by the end of the straight, but the move to pass is not made as we all take to the pits to fill up and switch to intermediates. Leader at the time has pulled away by about 5 seconds. Final corner before pit road and the track has 65% surface water. Fourth-place car (slightly underpowered compared to us leaders) is the only racer who does not pit, darting ahead before we are even released from our pit stalls. Rain is pouring heavily all around the circuit and this driver is still on his slicks.

Traction has dropped significantly as a mistake has been noted by our tire change. Same scenario is apparent for the two leading pitters. Surface water quickly jumps to 100% but smooth driving is still possible. Not going full-throttle is noted as best strategy to minimize tire spin. Strategy proves effective as a pass is made on the 3rd place car by the start of the old circuit. 2nd place car is passed soon after as his car looks to be handling much worse than ours. Leader currently sits about 15 seconds ahead but his slicks make his cornering incredibly slow, allowing a pass later in the lap just after Aremberg.

Lead over the non-pitting car has surprisingly increased very little as the rain has started to die down. Surface water quickly begins to drop and the choice of intermediates proves to be a good decision after all as the lap progresses, as does the lead.

Rain has ceased, surface water has dropped incredibly low, and a tire change is in consideration. With only four minutes left by the start of the long straight, and a slowly increasing lead over 2nd, the decision is made to stay out.

Surface water has dropped to the single digits but grip does not seem to be a problem. The increased grip has allowed a major jump in speed, therefore extending the lead significantly.

Lead has been raised to over 40 seconds but rain has once again started. Though no increase in surface water has been detected, grip has suddenly begun to suffer. A look around the screen and it is noticed that the rear tires have just about had it. The grip quickly continues to drop as multiple spins take place within the most difficult sections of the course.

With only a couple of corners left before the long straight, the rear tires have lost just about all grip possible, surface water has increased, and spinning is almost inevitable at ever turn. One corner left before the straight and a spin occurs once again, only this time, 2nd place is suddenly spotted coming up quickly from behind, still not having pit once. A struggle around the turn to keep steady and in front fails as yet another spin occurs coming out of the corner. Heavy contact is made. As the car looks to be straightening out, it is turned around backwards again by the opposing car. The vehicle eventually gets going but is terribly difficult to keep steady on the straight as the throttle is almost jammed to the floor, the leader now long-gone. Top speed is reached but not without company. 3rd and 4th place are directly behind and held up. The car once again spins as we hit the end of the straight and my podium position is lost. I slowly come across the line in 4th place after an absolutely devastating finish, but the frustration is almost non-existent as the effort put out during the race is something to be proud of.

*A second attempt will be made with a different car once this has been posted