Odd problem...

United States
No....just no.
For about five and a half years now I've had a problem and never really sought help for it.

What happens is I think that life is not real. It is hard to describe, but it is very bad when it happens...

Usually, when it does happen, it lasts about a half hour or so. Then I'm fine after that :nervous:

It usually happens dang near every day that I work!

It's brutal, it really is...

Any ideas? :guilty:
Maybe just some way deep thinking? I always wonder why and how the universe was even created, how all of this started. Was there a before to this? What was it? It gives me a weird feeling sometimes.
Can you be any more specific? I know you say it's hard to describe and I've no doubt it is, but it's hard to offer sound advice with just this to go on!


I have this too, but it sorta feels like you are in The Sims. If thats a good way to put it. You think "Whats going on? Is this real??". In short, you feel like you're in a game. Atleast for me it does. Does this help?
Could be anxiety. Very common.

I have the opposite problem. I breeze through life but from time to time I realise that reality is so real and in-your-face it gets my a bit nervous, hence anxiety.
I read through the link that you posted Danny. And ive found the reason as to why i have been feeling this way.Thank you so much I feel better now that I know what is wrong with me. I was under a lot of stress since i was 11 and im 14 now. Thank you so much. I think i have a anxiety problem. Camero i hope you feel better too good luck.
Could be anxiety. Very common.

I have the opposite problem. I breeze through life but from time to time I realise that reality is so real and in-your-face it gets my a bit nervous, hence anxiety.

This. My fear of death is unreal.

That said, my favorite quote is from the Iron Maiden song "Hallowed Be Thy Name".

"When you know that your time is close at hand, maybe then you'll begin to understand life down here is just a strange illusion".

Really makes you think.
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That said, my favorite quote is from the Iron Maiden

One of mine is "life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." - John Lennon in a song written about his son, Sean.

Slightly off topic but very insightful.
That's one of the reason I fell in love with Maiden. Their lyrics make you think about things.

I like that line also, seems pretty true.
That's one of the reason I fell in love with Maiden. Their lyrics make you think about things.

"..To kill the unborn in the womb..." This is pretty much the only line I remember from 2 Minutes To Midnight. :scared:
"..To kill the unborn in the womb..." This is pretty much the only line I remember from 2 Minutes To Midnight. :scared:

Good song. Was written about the cold war at the time. Nuclear warfare. Even though most of their songs are history lessons haha.
I think I understand what you're saying. It could be the situations that you are in, it even may be the people you around. In my business class in high school it kind of felt like I didn't exist to some people, and like I was being tested. Something just didn't feel right when I was in that class. Sort of like the Truman Show, something felt artificial. People were way too nice to me in that class. It may have been me just being self conscious So... I think you may have anxiety. I have a little bit of anxiety but it's not really as persistent as it was in high school classes.

I've never done those types of things to extremes but It just popped up in my mind and went away. It wasn't something that I sat and thought about for a few minutes.
Honestly, I think I know what you mean. I'm not sure if I've got the exact same thoughts, but I think I had some time ago.

[QUOTE="Frankmat" (on another forum...)]Quite often and I can almost do it on demand now... if I am say in my car driving... I get this feeling where I start to feel like life isn't real... and its just a dream.
Not sure how to explain it... but I feel like my body isn't mine... and that everything isn't actually real... even though I am wide awake and know it is. The only way I can explain it is that life just doesn't appear to be real... then I kind of panic and come back into it again.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure, if that is somewhat describing it?

Another thing that comes to my mind is a (I think, uncommon) believing, that everything is determined in advance ("by God, fate, or some other force"). I'm not saying that is the correct answer - or even an answer, but it could be a possibility (I think).

- And, I'm almost certain Shem is correct, saying that it could be anxiety.
For about five and a half years now I've had a problem and never really sought help for it.

What happens is I think that life is not real. It is hard to describe, but it is very bad when it happens...

Usually, when it does happen, it lasts about a half hour or so. Then I'm fine after that :nervous:

It usually happens dang near every day that I work!

It's brutal, it really is...

Any ideas? :guilty:

I'm guessing you don't really like your job? Maybe that could be the cause for losing touch with reality. You just want to get away from it. And you start to question whether reality is what it seems to be. Am I really here doing this? Is this what I'm doing with my life? Is this what it means to live?

Or it could be caused by other problems which you're facing as well. Maybe something that has been going on for quite some time now as you said it has been happening for the past five and a half years.

Maybe you're having emotional detachment, dissociation or psychosis. Sorry for linking Wikipedia but that's where I mostly read up on things.

Please get back to us as I find it rather interesting. :)

The discussion hasn't even started without Photonrider around. :sly:
For about five and a half years now I've had a problem and never really sought help for it.

Let's take this one step at a time, Camaroyenko.

Realise now, that . . . you spotted a 'moment' when you first started to think like this. (What age?) What was that moment five and a half years ago? What was it about the 'reality' around you that didn't fit the 'reality' you thought reality should be?
Apply objective thought to this for awhile.
Remember - you 'thinking' that 'life is not real' is a thought. Nothing but a thought.

What happens is I think that life is not real. It is hard to describe, but it is very bad when it happens...

For a start, keep a journal. Nothing much, nothing fancy, just some book you can write in, and a pen - and write down these thoughts - whenever you can at any time of the day and put it aside. You will find upon reading it a year later or so that your 'thoughts' would have changed considerably. Like going back to an old forum post and thinking 'Yikes! I wrote that?' Or - 'Wow, I was right about that.'

Ever watched the movie The Truman Show? We all seem to feel disconnected like that - some of us most of the time . . . and even some all the time. Call it the opposite of empathy (if you need something relative to relate to the concept). Understanding others brings us closer, and solidifies our 'reality'. Being understood makes us feel even more real (or existing). Hence we flock for comfort and safety. The more we isolate ourselves (either by trying to be too different or specially unique in some way) the more we seem to lose contact with the 'Collective Reality', and the more we seem to immerse ourselves in our own version of reality, thereby causing a sense of detachment with what is generally regarded all around us collectively as 'reality'.

In a deeper sense there isn't a 'reality'. Just a series of events via substance in a Spacetime Continuum/Fabric that is being perceived or experienced by a 'YOU' in a forward motion - a characteristic of the experience itself.

To put it in short - what you experience . . . is your 'reality'. The levels of 'real' are only limited by your understanding of what is possible.

Usually, when it does happen, it lasts about a half hour or so. Then I'm fine after that :nervous:

It usually happens dang near every day that I work!

It's brutal, it really is...

Any ideas? :guilty:

These could also be 'panic' attacks or anxiety attacks. Panic attacks are sometimes caused by an allergy to something (maybe something at work.) Take a closer look at the timing and environmental patterns connected with this; it is basically your brain pumping out the orders to flee from the scene, because your brain (far more intelligent than your 'thinking' - which is merely an expression of its workings, and a small one at that) knows, in the way a brain that has developed since the beginning of time, that something is not right in the reality you are experiencing - namely a hazardous workplace for instance.

Many other good comments. and helpful thoughts and links already in here, but I thought I might offer you some of my own thoughts, too . . . ;)

Good Luck, and put a smile on your face. That helps, too, I find. :)
It sounds exactly like the experiences i was having about 2 or 3 years ago when I was about fourteen. It would only last between five or ten minutes, but they were the most scariest moments of my life.
For exaple, one time I was watching only fools and horses with my mum, and at one scene she pointed out that the light bulb was swinging side to side above the characters heads. I thiught it was weird that she pointed this out, and then I started to get this sense of thinking life was 'fake', and my panic started from there and lasted several minutes.
Like I said earlier, it hasn't happened for a few years, and I cant say im dissappointed. I know how you feel and I hope you get over it 👍
I like my job, but I hate it when I have my "problem". It also happens at home too, but not that often.

I'm 14 (almost 15) if that helps anything.

Thanks for the replies so far!