Odds on Saddam getting a Capital Sentence?

Ummm, 1/1 possibility of getting a fashionable new neck tie. The court case is just a formality, so neck ties are de-rigeur at this function. But we all know the main event is the party afterwards! Damn that Saddam guy passing out on the couch again after too many long-necks!
Moussaoui or whatever his name is didn't get it, I don't think Saddam will either.

A lotta folk want to see the old shyster swing. But lets pay attention to the trial & see what happens. This is'nt the same circus as Nuremberg, plenty of bleep ups have occurred already.
his trial is in Iraq...not the US....he has about as much chance of not being hung/ shot / electrocuted / all of the above .... as I have growing my hair back .
his trial is in Iraq...not the US....he has about as much chance of not being hung/ shot / electrocuted / all of the above .... as I have growing my hair back .

Yeah ? Why what could he possibly be tried in the US for? What's your point, Saddam has never been provably connected with any malicious acts towards the US or it's Citizens, ever. In fact he was a top notch trade partner at one point.

Yeh, youse went lenient on Moussaoi, who would have been martyrd (if even amongst only five al-qaeda or whatever).

Saddam is up on a little more than conspiracy, mass murder is bloody hands not bloody thoughts.

Does'nt say anything about the situation of his trial though, you could say the iraqi people are trying him, so he's doomed. Fine. If it were the iraqi people really established behind this move though then who is to say they would'nt want answers, balances, reparations.

This is a showcase, a circus & a best attempt at a war crimes trial w/out involving details of Saddams warcrimes that might actually reveal uncomfortable conspiratorial connections & not to al-qaeda...

Certain parties want him snuffed & right quick, other vested interests in Iraq, by the same token, would'nt mind halting proceedings in the interests of information.
There is always a backdrop to these showtrials, the rope is waiting in the wings but is it's cue automatic?

Yeh, youse went lenient on Moussaoi, who would have been martyrd (if even amongst only five al-qaeda or whatever).

Saddam is up on a little more than conspiracy, mass murder is bloody hands not bloody thoughts.

Does'nt say anything about the situation of his trial though, you could say the iraqi people are trying him, so he's doomed. Fine. If it were the iraqi people really established behind this move though then who is to say they would'nt want answers, balances, reparations.

This is a showcase, a circus & a best attempt at a war crimes trial w/out involving details of Saddams warcrimes that might actually reveal uncomfortable conspiratorial connections & not to al-qaeda...

Certain parties want him snuffed & right quick, other vested interests in Iraq, by the same token, would'nt mind halting proceedings in the interests of information.
There is always a backdrop to these showtrials, the rope is waiting in the wings but is it's cue automatic?

Shiites aqnd Kurds have power in Iraq..the Sunni MINORITY wants in...

Shiites and Kurds were the most.... persecuted / killed/ tortured / raped /gassed / mass grave fodder..... durring the time Saddam & sons did their thing......

Who's brave enough NOT to hang the guy ?

Answer that .
So, the point of the trial being?

Well, its a show, as you say Led they'd lynch him now but if something goes wrong w/ this rubber stamp...

Meh.... he's well hated by the majority of iraqi's ..so they'll most likely celibrate his death for a few days then move on ..the trail is to show they are a nation that operates under the rule of law...otherwise they would have tied him to the back of truck and beat and hacked him to death a long time ago..

They are trying to be civil about things..Its a long hrd road for them to get back to civilization . But give them credit slowly but surely they are getting toghether and forming a unity government a making compromises so that power need not come " From the barrell of a gun " .

I admire the hell out of them for what they are doing for themselves despite all the odds stacked against them .
I admire the hell out of them for what they are doing for themselves despite all the odds stacked against them .

The odds stacked against ure avg. Iraqi Citizen;

Rare Clean Water (typhoid, cholera odds increase)

Rare Doctors (attacks, kidnappings)

Rare Electricity (6hrs in Babylon)

Rare Petroleum for transport (rationing?queues?iraq?)

Rampant Crime (internal security issues; murder, rape, kidnapping)

^^^^^Prove to me that any of the above Odds or Issues (All Internationaly recognized facts) that you admire the Iraqi people so much over existed, liken to any degree, when Saddam Hussein was in Power.
You admire them because they are victims, is it, facing these odds, victims of what? an oppressive regime?
Or, as i know to be the truth, you 'admire' them because they are now a protectorate of the US & so the perjorative applies to all your fellow citizens!
100,000 dead Iraqis. What was ole Saddams bodycount? Of course, this is the price to pin on his removal. So the blame is all his.

Here is an Unembedded report on a US server about conditions in Iraq at the end of last year. Not US TV, US digital archives. Wipe these off the face of the earth with your constitutional nullification projects & see if we don't notice. I cudnae give a phuk about your boob tube.

You will not be able to watch or take in this little dispatch, but try & comprehend the statistics therein as these are from someone who has, unlike you, actually been there & conversed w/ the citizenry. This reporter made it out alive, which is more than can be said of 2030+ US Soldiers or the 100+ Reporters (5 times that of Vietnam's) Who - Did - Not.

& by all means, do travel, talk w/ ure fellow human beings outside the continental USA, Gauge Feeling on these issues.