We're back! We're welcoming yet another new face and our third photomode regular to the MotW madhouse—it's amazing there's still so much space left! In any case, everyone give a warm welcome to Skython!
Skython, not Skyfall. I know one of you misread that. Stop thinking about James Bond.
1. First and foremost, you're officially the Member of the Week so what were your thoughts going into this and how does it feel to be recognized amidst the hundreds of thousands of other members here?
Well, surprised. And sort of honoured. Though fortunately, it didn't happen because of a strange plague taking out GTPlanet members who were actually worthy of winning it. (but can we really confirm that the GTP Plague isn't out there?) This case is just an error of communication with drunk/hungover members after the GTPlanet Awards Ceremony.
2. What brought you to GTPlanet and what keeps you coming back?
At first, I was just looking at the libraries section for help in GT4, and new info regarding GT5. I actually lurked around the place for almost a year without realizing that there was a forum section. Heck, back then I didn't even know what a forum was! I was a noob as nooby as... Other noobs.. Craig Noobkins.
3. There's a lot to do around the forums so I have to ask: what sub-forums/threads do you frequent most often and why?
I usually frequent around the Rumble Strip and the Music sections. But since GT6 came out I've been stuck around in the GT6 photomode section and the newly added race reports section aswell. Before GT6 I wasn't really posting much anyway, so yeah.
4. What was it that sparked your interest in Gran Turismo?
Well I was a seven year old who had no understanding of cars whatsoever. But along came the Playstation 2 and Gran Turismo 3, and when I got into it, I couldn't be removed. Things are so much better now, such as Lamborghini/Ferrari getting in, I can finally play with a good steering wheel. And I don't have to think about whether my brother is going to punch me away from the console, because I own it.
5. How did you come up with the name "Skython"?
Heh, well I was looking at the sky. And I realized that I need a username. And I also realized that usernames need to have a nerd-like sound to them. So I took a nerd sounding sound and added it to sky. And there we have it. "Skython."
No, not actually, it was a name I thought up when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I used try and draw characters (try being the operative word), mainly inspired by Jak from the Jak & Daxter games. And I named my favourite one Skython.
6. Controversial question time: Gran Turismo, Forza Motorsport or both?
I haven't actually played Forza that much. Just a few dabbles with it at my cousin's house. Though Forza 4 had a GMC Vandura. The A-TEAM!!! But for me Gran Turismo takes the cake, it's compatible with a lot of decent steering wheels, creates more accurate tracks, and also has that nostalgia factor.
7. Because it's finally occurred to me that the question above doesn't allow enough freedom, do you play any other racing games that you perhaps enjoy more than GT or FM?
Before GT6 I didn't have my own PS3 so I turned to PC sims. I play GT Legends, GTR2, Race 07, Richard Burns Rally. RBR probably being my favourite there. It has such a good physics engine, and is almost a constant game or risk vs reward in the way the stages are laid out. GT Legends is great too, the cars feel so good, and it has a Porsche 906, so I'm quickly sold there.
8. GTP 12 is up and about, what are your thoughts?
I just realized that you asked me about my thoughts. And that's never a good idea, because me putting my thoughts somewhere into reality usually ends up with someone in prison, or at the very least a mental asylum. But yeah, it's really good. I love some of the features, like being able to save a draft for a post. That's so handy because I have so many times in the past created a big post... And then the power goes out, or the internet crashes, it gets annoying having to retype it all.
9. Gran Turismo 6 is finally here, what are you thoughts so far?
I feel that it's an improvement. The physics are great, the car selection is great, and the track selection is great, but I still feel like it's difficult to find things to do. I made a rolly-Daihatsu Midget and trying to win an actual single player race in that kept me entertained for awhile. I'll probably be finding a lot more to do when we get the course editor and if we're lucky, a livery editor later down the line.
10. If aliens landed in front of you and, in exchange for anything you desire, offered you any position on their planet what would you want?
Wait, what sort of aliens are we talking here? Colonists or rebels? Probably neither, because I've been watching too much X-Files. That's a difficult one, maybe they could put me permanently in the position of most awesome living thing ever, and could let me use their awesome technology that they may or may not have. Though I'd hate to find out that the aliens weren't anywhere near as advanced as we are, and when I ask for their best technology; just receive a wheel made of rhino bones.
11. If you could live in any video game which game would it be and why?
Hmmm, well I'd say Gran Turismo, but then I would have a helmet permanently attached to my face, and that would be annoying. I'd say GTA V, but then I'd get blown up by 10 year olds operating tanks and then come back to life for a price of a few hundred dollars. I'd say Test Drive Unlimited 2 but then I would be able to drive lots of great cars but have them all feel pretty much exactly the same. So I think the best option is GTA V, there's so much to do and you're not restricted to just sitting in a car, or any other thing. The tanks will get annoying though.
12. If you could create your own motorsport series what would it entail?
The STERX series! (Semi-Truck Extreme Rallycross) A genius race series where everyone drives a full truck and trailer unit and has to race over jumps, smash through massive lines of parked Toyota Prius' and keep their trailers on. The penalty for your trailer coming off is you have to put it back on which takes FOREVER!!! And there would be bonus points for things such as, "most pink truck," and "most Prius' hit," and "most trailer detachments," and "ugliest driver award."
13. Tell us something interesting about your hometown.
My town is a valley and has a major faultline running directly up it I believe. Not very interesting, but it's better than me talking about some sort of cultural history (that I'm not connected to) or something like that.
14. When did GT's photomode first call out to you, and when was your first set put together?
Right here on GTPlanet of course. When I first joined I was still on GT4, didn't have a PS3 to use. So I started a GT4 gallery and I think I picked it up quite quickly considering I had at the time, no prior experiences with photography of any sort (though teachers in my schooling always commented on me being a creative type, so that helps). I started with a Mercedes SL 55 AMG, but since then I've deleted the photo's for some reason. Most are still there though in the GT4 photomode galleries section.
15. Do you have any hobbies we should be made aware of?
Well I'm a singer and a composer. I occasionally play guitar and drums, but my main game is singing and composing. In my final year of schooling I was the best male singer in my school and the one of the top 3 best composers. I also dabble in small amounts of photography and writing. Though those mostly take place in things relating to Gran Turismo, like my gallery or my fan fic. Both based in Gran Turismo.
16. Are you driving anything special at the moment?
Drive!? What do you think I am? A normal developed adult!? No, I'm a lazy drop out.

Currently I have no car to drive, but I'll be on the roads soon enough, posing a threat to cyclists who ignorantly ride 3 abreast in places they shouldn't.

I was talking with my dad about a car and we're thinking a Subaru Forester. I just want to get something manual though.
17. What's your favourite video game, currently?
I've gotten the GTA V bug going on right now, I only just managed to get into GTA at about new years. So I've been playing it more than I should ever since. It's where I had the idea for Semi Truck Rally cross actually. Hence why it probably wouldn't work in real life, being dreamed up in Grand Theft Auto and all.
18. What songs have been on repeat for the past few days?
I've been listening to and singing Edguy's Save Me (great song that works with my voice) and Threshold's One Degree Down. Though outside of that I'm just been writing my own stuff. I've written two songs in the space of a week and a bit (including minor adjustments to harmonies and such), which is quick productivity, even by my standards.
19. Why did you choose that avatar, and why is it not a monkey? (Don't ask me, I had nothing to do with this.

It's not a monkey, however it is an "Alien Drum Bunny," which is a sort of mix between a bunny, an alien and maybe a monkey. Well Alien Drum Bunny is what fans call him. His band members just call him weird to stop him becoming arrogant.
20. Games, how do you like them?
a) Pre-Order, I want them on day one.
b) Sealed at first price drop.
c) Used.
Cheap, as cheap as possible. So usually c. But there are of course special cases like Gran Turismo 6. The only game I've ever pre ordered (even though I still received it a week after release). But even then I hunted around for the cheapest deal. I'm a stingy person with money, and I hope that the money I'm too stingy to spend now comes in handy one day.
21. With the next generation of all things video gaming upon us, have you made any plans to pick up a PS4, Xbox One or Wii U?
Well the Wii U has a very innapropriate name so I stay well clear of that. And while the Wii U is doing its business on me the Xbox One would be watching with its Kinnect camera. So I'm not really planning on getting either at this point of time. And the PS4 just doesn't have any good games on it yet. I also cant' afford any of them yet, that's the real reason I haven't taken the plunge.
22. Chips Ahoy! or Famous Amos?
Wow, neither of those actually exist over here. Though Famous Amos had epic packaging, so that's my decision made. Unless Chips Ahoy is cheaper..
23. You've just been sentenced to death. What is your last meal?
Depends on how they kill me. If they're going to cut my head off, then my last meal will be a secret pill made by the US government that turns humans into chickens. Then I can put my cunning plan into action. Take the pill, become a chicken, and then after they cut my head off, I'll be able to escape!
24. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being likely to go to the nut house, how crazy would you rate yourself?
Well if I'm 5"10, and 5+10 = 15, I must be a 15. But this is question 24, so maybe it's 24-15 which would be a 9. And that is within 1-10. So I must be a 9.
25. What is your favourite car, why, and what do you think that it says about you?
Only here have I realized how well a Viper sums me up. Ridiculous, loud, and pretty much useless.

Infact, the only difference is that I actually do need a bunch of warning stickers all over me. For everyone else's safety. But yeah, I've been really taken by the new SRT Viper. It may burn your legs when you drive it, and have massive panel gaps on the boot, but it's just so awesome! It's just so irrelevant in this day and age because while everyone's going green there is a Viper just keeping it fun. The SLS AMG does that well too, hence why I love that as well. My only issue with the Viper is that it won't be going RHD. And being in New Zealand where cars are RHD, that's irritating.
26. Where and when was your very first post here and how does it differ from your posting style used today?
Could anyone get a shot of a Dodge Viper GTS-R Team Oreca side bye side with the Corvette C5R on the Mulsanne straight
What a noob. I had all the capital letters but no full stops I mean I never do that now You know I don't miss a beat when it comes to forgetting full stops And don't forget it Oh and bye the way I also use the wrong version of by I've learned so much in my time on GTP
Oh wait...
Yeah, I've definitely learned to piece a sentence better. Now my posts are readable... Usually.
27. How many of your controllers have died because of heavy physical abuse whilst playing a PS3 game?
Surprisingly I haven't broken any controllers from physical abuse. I did wreck the analogue sticks of a PS2 controller when I was little after eating very greasy fish and chips and then using the controller. Which makes sense because if I'm going to break anything, those two things are always evident. "Accident" and "food."
28. Have you ever accessed the website during an unusual time and/or place?
Not really out of the usual. I mean, at work, at school, at my friend's house. Now I have my smartphone though, I'll probably be on GTP if I end up at somewhere I don't want to be, like a pub full of drunk space heads, or a party of the same nature.
29. What's the longest you've gone without logging onto GTPlanet since joining: Years, months, weeks, days, hours?
I think I once spent about 3 days away, but other than that I've almost always been here at one point or another during the day.
30. Who (in your own opinion) is the most inspiring person / people here on GTPlanet?
Me, because I'm great.
Why are you looking at me like that, you know it's true... Oh no, not the ban hamm... Aaah! Fine, I take it back! ... I'd say Jordan is quite inspirational in the way that he's been loyal to the site and loyal to the members. Even as the site gets bigger he pretty much never misses a beat. Saying that, the same can be said for all the staff here. So loyal and very entertaining to say the least. So all the staff is my answer.
31. How would you improve GT's photomode?
I think we just need the freedom to move about outside the track. And to set the camera higher. Imagine how great it would be to take a picture from a helicopter of Mt Panorama in Gran Turismo! That's what I would call epic!
32. Now it's time for the "Daniel Special": If you could cross a hippo with any other animal - what will the animal be, what will it be called, and why? (Bonus points for creativity! And it can't be another hippo because that's incest)
Well, this would be so much easier if it was just mixing with any other living thing. Then I could mix a hippo with a tree. Just imagine a tree that was shaped like a hippo which suddenly just started... I don't know, getting 4 different coloured hippos into a group, laying in a square like an arena and trying to see who can stretch their necks and eat the most balls which just happen to be in the arena.
Infact, I'm going to mix it withn alpaca, because alpacas come in various different colours and have long necks. Then I could make "Hungry Hungry Hippos Real Life Edition!"
33. You wake up naked trapped in a broken lift with a celebrity - which celebrity would you choose and why?
Is there such thing as a celebrity who doesn't have any papparazzi following them everywhere. Because even though it's a broken lift, the papparazzi will always find a way! ALWAYS! They'll eat the floors and walls if it means getting the first shot of the celebrity stuck in a lift. But if the paparazzi were all dead after a strangely structured sequence of random murders, then I actually don't know. It probably doesn't matter too much as long as it's a girl who looks good and doesn't have a brain the size of a Triple A battery.
34. Have you ever participated in any of the racing series' found here?
Not as of now, I might in the future, but I'm probably too casual to dedicate myself to a race series. Plus, I'm probably not quick enough. I'm quite fast but not alien fast. But then again, I don't tune or race with ABS.
35. Have you ever considered developing your own racing series, and if you have where can we find it?
I was thinking of making a fun/silly race series in GT6 where you have to race Daihatsu Midgeta which roll on almost every turning input. But GT6 online doesn't allow you to roll your car so that's immediately doomed.
36. Anything else you'd like to say?
All I want to say, is that I'm not cleaning up the award hall's bathroom facilities after the ceremony, sheesh. Some of you guys really need to hold your drink down better.