Okay I love playing games on my comp. But this guy is taking it too far.


?¿That's Odd?¿
Staff Emeritus
United States
Tx, Alamo City
I dont mind spending 1-2 maybe even 3 G's on a computer but 30? Hell no.


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Holy crap, I would love to have one of those...:drool:
Let's see, 7 computers, 9 CRT monitors, 4 LCD monitors... And I ask, why not just get one of those screens that's like a slice of a bubble. I've seen them advertised in some magazines, they use a projector to display the image on some surface that's bevled around you, somewhat... Then you don't have the monitor casings that get annoying....
Can you image this guy's electricity bill! I mean, the monitor consumes more power than any other part of the computer, and he's got 13 of them.