
My Playstation is being gay, i created a new user, went to sighn up new playstation network account, but after step 6 it takes forever to load and then it says the cannot establish connection to server, but i can get on the us playstation store so the connection is fine, i'm using wireless.
If you want assistance, try not calling things gay, nor using "OMG" or "PLZ" as attempts at words.
I'm struggling to see how a Playstation can be gay. It's not attracted to other Playstations and it isn't happy as it isn't a living organism.

I believe if you look around the forum, you will see that most of the members have high quality posts, without using slang, or words such as gay. If you still don't believe, me go read the AUP.
Are you in a position to connect using a cable? In case the wireless connection is timing out due to poor signal strength. Also have you tried at different times of the day, could be a major load on your local internet connection or traffic going to the Sony servers.

I don't own a PS3, so I'm kind of shooting in the dark here. Good luck getting this sorted.
My Playstation is being gay, i created a new user, went to sighn up new playstation network account, but after step 6 it takes forever to load and then it says the cannot establish connection to server, but i can get on the us playstation store so the connection is fine, i'm using wireless.

"Please contact the person in charge of your network."

Either that or the homosexuality that seems to have somehow affected your PS3 has spread to your router. Which is, of course, "a bad thing", in some way or other... :rolleyes:

Try setting up the new account on your PC and then put the new data into a new user account on the PS3 after-the-fact.
Either that or the homosexuality that seems to have somehow affected your PS3 has spread to your router. Which is, of course, "a bad thing", in some way or other... :rolleyes:
Whoa ... it's like part of me wants to see it, but the other part really doesn't.