On Demand HD Streaming best place watch them?


Ok guys wasn't sure where to put my question really but here.

So in the UK I have a Virgin Media TV and 200MBPS Vivid broadband.

I am also subscribed to Sony Playstation+, and Xbox Live.

I just subscribed to Amazon Prime. I aren't subscribe to netflix though.

I feel that the more services we are subscribed to for on demand tv shows and movies to watch we now have more options than ever to choose where to watch our tv and movies content through plethora of internet streaming services. Theres so many ways means and channels through which to do it.

So basically does anybody know who provides the best medium to stream and watch HD movies out of the above mentioned services I am subscribed to? Like who streams movies to rent and watch in the highest quality bit rate 1080P? Either HD or Ultra HD, well I don't yet have a 4K tv, so for the time being, I'm really only interested in where to rent and watch the best quality HD movies.
I watch films as well as series via both Netflix and Amazon, though I don't do any rentals through either - quite content to watch just those covered by the prime subscription and the standard Netflix one.

I watch it all through the PS4. The two services for me are enough, as they both have differences of focus in what they bring to our TV. Netflix has the edge for me, due to the kind of shows they have shown support for with direct funding, although the Amazon Originals are catching up.

As you say, with so many options for how you view, it's really a matter of personal preference.
I watch films as well as series via both Netflix and Amazon, though I don't do any rentals through either - quite content to watch just those covered by the prime subscription and the standard Netflix one.

I watch it all through the PS4. The two services for me are enough, as they both have differences of focus in what they bring to our TV. Netflix has the edge for me, due to the kind of shows they have shown support for with direct funding, although the Amazon Originals are catching up.

As you say, with so many options for how you view, it's really a matter of personal preference.

Well I'm fairly happy that the movies I rented and watch so far on Amazon Prime and Xbox Live were pretty good HD. Sleepy Hollow HD was really good on amazon prime, I just wish it was exclusive prime but its not so they aren't keeping the latest season episodes up to date so I now have to wait until they release to watch them or just watch it when it comes out on virgin tv sometime soon. Some rental movies like old movies kickboxer were pretty good quality. I was surprised that Amazon prime movies like Water diviner and time machine were all really good HD quality. Overall wherever I buy or rent from these two services I'm pretty happy that the HD good enough.