One of only a few people who....

  • Thread starter Muzaffar


follow me @muzaffarmusa
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One of the only few people who actually owned a Logitech G25.Yup,i got one too!Well,i know this is pointless or anything but i wonder if i could do this as a thread where people could post their new G25's here before i start waisting my time and energy typing.If there is a post like this,can anybody give me a link.Thanks :)

Edit:Well if no one replies back than i think its okay to continue my story.

Just now (about several hours ago) i went with my parents to go and look for my steering wheel.Little do they know i was buying the most expensive steering wheel on the market,the Logitech G25.When i reach there i went and search for it.Luckily i have found it in one of the many shops around there.

When i saw the price tag,i know i must buy it.(it was around RM1000 or around 293.165 USD. 🤬 i think i wasted my money....) but when my father wanted to pay with his credit card,they had to increase the ammout which we had to pay (additional interest,not to mention the credit card interest scared: ) so i ended up paying for it....but all of that is not important,the important part was "does it work?".

When i arrive home,i tried to follow the instruction and install the drive and setup my wheel.It works! So then i played Racer on my PC (can't play my ps2 so far.No tv :( ) Could i be the only person from Malaysia (or even Asia) to actually own one of these masterpieces?Anyways,the wheel is quite nice (definitely better than my other wheel.It was like junk! :yuck: ) but i'm still not used to the H-gears,so i have to get used to that.Anyways,here are some of my photos of the G25:

(yeah,don't have a tv or even a cockpit to be comfortable with)

If you want to comment/criticize,go ahead.Be my guest of honor (or shame if you look at it) and if you want to post your G25 photo as well,you can if you want.

P.S. I think most of you should know.I tend to do new threads depending on my mood and thoughts.Sometimes i get carried away like my last few threads.Just to warn you all every time i make a new thread.