Online Play

  • Thread starter Mazfan

I was just thinking, Do you think that GT will be smooth in online
mode. I know its about each player's connection ect, but do you
think it will be smooth enough for close battles, because there is nothing
worse than lag when racing online.

What I hated the most when playing Forza 2 online was when someone was lagging really bad and their car would disappear and reappear infront of you which would, of course, freak you out and make you swerve. Then you're in the grass and your race is pretty much over.:lol: I am pretty sure it'll be the same experience with GT5P and the final GT5 release. There will be lag in online games because internet connections are not up to the speeds of "no lag", yet. Maybe in 5-10 years, connections will be fast enough where an online race would be just as smooth as a campaign race. I can't wait!!!
What I hated the most when playing Forza 2 online was when someone was lagging really bad and their car would disappear and reappear infront of you which would, of course, freak you out and make you swerve. Then you're in the grass and your race is pretty much over.:lol: I am pretty sure it'll be the same experience with GT5P and the final GT5 release. There will be lag in online games because internet connections are not up to the speeds of "no lag", yet. Maybe in 5-10 years, connections will be fast enough where an online race would be just as smooth as a campaign race. I can't wait!!!

Well, they can never really get to the point of as smooth as LAN unless we figure out a way to make data travel faster than the speed of light.
Cross country racers are never gonna truly be lag free. but they will get a lot better.
I was thinking more like T1 or faster connections would be cheap enough in the future for every household to be able to afford and that would cut the lag down to almost nothing? It's like years ago, trying to play a multiplayer game on my Dreamcast through dial up connection and now playing Xbox Live with Cable or DSL. It's a better experience overall. I would think that a T1 connection would better or am I completely misunderstanding how it really works? :lol:
Have any of you got any other PS3 racing games that you play online?
Is there any lag in that? I really hope GT have a good online experience, because
this will make or brake it for me, I mean how are we going to have good close battles
with lag.I know it wont be perfect, but i hope they make it good.
I play Formula One Championship Edition online occasionaly.

The apponent's cars flicker almost permanatly throughout the race, also dissapearing from time to time only to re-appear right in front of you. Making things a little distracting.

Plus it's as though your racing against a static vehicle/image at times. The wheels are not spinning and when taking corners/turning the car will just slide from side to side and not turn it's wheels. Takes alot out of the experience for me. Looses alot of the appeal of online racing.

I hope GT5 will capture the quality of the off-line campaigne racing on-line.
As I recall, in the famous jeux-france video from TGS Kazunori stated that number of car racing online will be determined by the concetion speed. When asked "will 16 players will be able to race online" he said something like "iof they will have good upload", or something.

There is the possbility that game will have some kind of speed-tool built-in that will determine what you can do.

Hopefully of course.

However, to make a non-fare comparasion with most recent example - Call of Duty 4 is playing like a dream with 16p online in multiplayer, with all the graphics effects and utter chaos on-screen. I have no probems to play against people in USA from Croatia which is a heavy trans-atlantic connection. I have 2MB D/U optical connection.
People who connect their PS3s to the Net via wireless will not help matters of course. Now that just about everyone is on broadband, the key for decent online gaming is not upload or download speeds as such, but the quality of your connection. Latency and dropped packets are the key factors here.
^^^This is true. I used to have my PS3 connected wirelessly and it seemed to lag a lot. Then I hooked it straight to the modem and it runs pretty smoothly. Still lags here and there but not as bad as when it was wireless.
I really optimistic that with PD the PS3 online experience will be great. I'm looking forward to getting my PS3late this year or early next year. GT5 is the main reason for my PS3 purchase and after seeing the article in my Playstation mag on GT5, even in my Motor Trend about Kaz developing the menu system for the Nissan GTR, I know they will have a great game all around including online. Sounds like they have some great ideas, like GTTV.👍

Is that like to PS3 as XBox360 is to XBox?

(Oooh, console political. Flame me as much as you like, it's cold in my house. I just thought it was funny.)

Is that like to PS3 as XBox360 is to XBox?

(Oooh, console political. Flame me as much as you like, it's cold in my house. I just thought it was funny.)

Oh yes it is:ouch:, Maybe it won't break like my "launch360":)

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