- 223
- ChaddingtonB/ GTP_lwh
Anyone interested in running in weekly races on Fridays starting at 8 or 9PM ET (-5 GMT) ?
Can everyone post their first choices for day/starttimes ? The races will be under an hour for sure. I'll compile them and try to get a time that the most people can attend. Put your time zone and GMT if you's mine: Fridays 8 or 9PM, Wed 8 or 9PM, Sat 8-11AM, Sun 8-11AM (GMT -5) . Aiming to start the week after Easter (After May 3rd) .
My first choice would be Wednesday at the times you specified. Sunday would be OK, too, but I'm not getting up at 8 to do it ;p.
EDIT: Which PSN do you play Shift with?