Online racing league

ChaddingtonB - While I think this would be fun, I personally can't commit to a specific time to race. I wonder if you would get more interest if you ran an AutoLog-based series, like Renown's WTC. That way people could compete in a league without committing to a specific time to race.

I, for one, would be interested in doing something like that.
I am in WTC's series , but was looking for racing at the same time. The actual day and time is flexible. It could be voted on if you have some times you prefer post them.
Not a bad concept as long as people are going to be fair and driving without writing your car off then it should be fun...And also i think you should pick a specific time and date that the majority can make and host it on those days... Im in btw :D
I was thinking clean , not no-contact but no wrecking, or GT5 style corner pushing. With damage on you pretty much have to run clean anyways
What, kind of cars would you run. works, gt1/3, porshce, or like a certain pi. But i would love to race against actual people. The online racing can be real fun if there weren't any knuckleheads.
I am thinking most likely PI since that's flexible. Since the tuning and controls are so finicky it's probably best to let people run the cars they prefer instead of making it limited to specific model(s).
I'm free on Fridays, add me on PSN. I think if you keep it to 100 point increments (1200, 1300, etc..) it should stay pretty close. And in my opinion you should not limit views to cockpit/helmet only, I love my hood view.:)
Can everyone post their first choices for day/starttimes ? The races will be under an hour for sure. I'll compile them and try to get a time that the most people can attend. Put your time zone and GMT if you's mine: Fridays 8 or 9PM, Wed 8 or 9PM, Sat 8-11AM, Sun 8-11AM (GMT -5) . Aiming to start the week after Easter (After May 3rd) .
Can everyone post their first choices for day/starttimes ? The races will be under an hour for sure. I'll compile them and try to get a time that the most people can attend. Put your time zone and GMT if you's mine: Fridays 8 or 9PM, Wed 8 or 9PM, Sat 8-11AM, Sun 8-11AM (GMT -5) . Aiming to start the week after Easter (After May 3rd) .

My first choice would be Wednesday at the times you specified. Sunday would be OK, too, but I'm not getting up at 8 to do it ;p.

EDIT: Which PSN do you play Shift with?
My first choice would be Wednesday at the times you specified. Sunday would be OK, too, but I'm not getting up at 8 to do it ;p.

EDIT: Which PSN do you play Shift with?

ChaddingtonB, I haven't been playing GT5 much lately
Time diff will make it more or less impossible for me im afraid :(

Im at GMT+1, -6 hours from you guys, and my window of availablility is very narrow. But keep the board updated and if i do have the chance to join in a race or two ill be happy to do so if i may.
Can everyone join this group and post your timezone and preferred race time. I'll post a race schedule this week and pick a time that matches the most people (maybe 2/week one that is good for GMT&Europe on weekends).