Online Time Trial Challange (OTTC)

  • Thread starter Mohamu
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Xbox sucks :)
Welcome to the Online Time Trial Challange (OTTC)!
This is a race against time!​

To be sure You can join the race in time:
Countdown for the next run


- there will be stock cars (just posted the type of it before the race because not everyone has many time to practice) and tuned runs too (posted 2 days before the event)
- 2 or 3 runs on each track (because the length of the online time trial)
- 2 tracks / every weekend
- no driving aids /Manual Gearbox / professional setup / full damage

- in Time Trial we don't really fight each other on the track, the only important thing is your laptime.
That is why if you have a mistake, or you're just slow, and you can see anybody behind you on a fast lap, let him go, dont make his lap slower please. (at the starts it is good to give enough space for the others around you, even for the car before and behind you to avoid the situation when everybody sais: I was on fast lap too, so I didn't want to let you go")

- When we have Stock race, I can't make a Manufacturer lobby, because then we can't chose the reward cars. It's up to everybody to be fair, and use ONLY stock and not Tuned cars.

- Please pay attention on my posts, what car will we use on which track if we don't use Manufacturers lobby, because we don't want to restart several times if you can't find the good car.

This weekend:
Saturday, 19:00 GMT​

- Donnington GP with 14 rated Acura NSX (tuned)
- Ambush Canyon with 10 rated Evo9 (tuned)
- Spa with BMW M1 (stock)
- Autopolis GP with 911 GT3 RS (stock)

Bonus: Nordscleife with Nissan 370Z (stock) or Toyota Supra (stock)

Join us in time because we'll don't wait as the event will take a long time...
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NO DRIVING LINE ? wow that makes my low res "CRT" TV output device even less usable. Man that is like taking the white cane away from a blind man. Can't we have a trade off ? How about if yah don't use manual shift then you may or may not use the driving line ? Maybe maybe ? Thankzzzzz.....Lefty.....
Only manual of course, and steering wheel also needed. If you dont have yet, it's time to buy:D We will not be many...
NO DRIVING LINE ? wow that makes my low res "CRT" TV output device even less usable. Man that is like taking the white cane away from a blind man. Can't we have a trade off ? How about if yah don't use manual shift then you may or may not use the driving line ? Maybe maybe ? Thankzzzzz.....Lefty.....

No problem Left! You can use the driving line! I'll edit the rules, because a lot of people like to use it (me too) but i want to learn driving without it because it looks really funny on the videos:) As you said: this is the blind men's cane:)
Only manual of course, and steering wheel also needed. If you dont have yet, it's time to buy:D We will not be many...

Shark, I knew you'll find this threat:) It is for your wish my friend!:) But I agree, i don't think there will be too many participians here...:(
Shark, I knew you'll find this threat:) It is for your wish my friend!:) But I agree, i don't think there will be too many participians here...:(

Mohamu despite not being much a Time Trialer-more the racer kind- I apreciate your effort and think people should support fellow GTpeers who take the risk of putting up a online competition(I know I would like you to do the same if I were in your shoes-so without any compromise in terms of dates,I have a very busy online racing schedulle you know:dunce::lol:;)- I'll try to join you guys whenever I am available:tup:
Mohamu despite not being much a Time Trialer-more the racer kind- I apreciate your effort and think people should support fellow GTpeers who take the risk of putting up a online competition(I know I would like you to do the same if I were in your shoes-so without any compromise in terms of dates,I have a very busy online racing schedulle you know:dunce::lol:;)- I'll try to join you guys whenever I am available:tup:

You will be welcome Arvore!👍
Count me in Mo, I can't get enough quality events. I feel sorry for the public lobies that try to have TT events only to find sabotures laying in wait to ambush those not in on their conspericy to wack the compo so it becomes a giant wreck fest.
The only way to play shift, in my opinion, is cockpit view, light HUD (I need to know what gear I'm in!) and no driving line or assists. I always use manual and will use H-shifter and clutch, sequential stick or paddles depending on what the car I am driving (with modifications) has. This is as close to sim as NFS shift will ever get.

This is probably why I am a lot slower than many people on here bit for me its more rewarding. Time permitting I'd like to be in but that depends on how long you have to do your runs, my work keeps me very busy most of the week.

I guess we know who will have the coolest video replays in shift. Andy you have ta rate way up there in the hardcore scale. LOL........Lefty.......
The only way to play shift, in my opinion, is cockpit view, light HUD (I need to know what gear I'm in!) and no driving line or assists. I always use manual and will use H-shifter and clutch, sequential stick or paddles depending on what the car I am driving (with modifications) has. This is as close to sim as NFS shift will ever get.

This is probably why I am a lot slower than many people on here bit for me its more rewarding. Time permitting I'd like to be in but that depends on how long you have to do your runs, my work keeps me very busy most of the week.


The runs going to be on the weekends, probably on Sunday and will take about 1 and half an hour i think.
You'll be welcome any time!
Tomorrow we will have some Time Trial challange!

All cars are stock,

1. Road America GT3 RSR / 2 long TT runs
2. Nordschleife with BMW M1 / 1 midsize run
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I'll get in on this. The RSR is hard to control with the six axis. As is the Gumbert Apollo. Really it's the steering input with the stick in combination with the throttle. Anyone have any ideas on ADCON adjustments to solve some of this? What I'm doing right now is tapping the R2 button to mimic half throttle. There isn't enough give to the R2 button to simulate pedal travel for me. Any suggestions?
I'll get in on this. The RSR is hard to control with the six axis. As is the Gumbert Apollo. Really it's the steering input with the stick in combination with the throttle. Anyone have any ideas on ADCON adjustments to solve some of this? What I'm doing right now is tapping the R2 button to mimic half throttle. There isn't enough give to the R2 button to simulate pedal travel for me. Any suggestions?
steering wheel
100+ bucks for a wheel for shift? nah, i'll save my money and wait till gt5

Please send me a friend invitation trough the PSN, then I'll be able to invite you for the runs!

PSN nick: Mohamu26

Ps: Sorry but I can't help you in pad configuration, i also use a wheel..
But maybe you can see Terronium's setup, he also use a six axis pad i think
We will start after the Champion's League match, it's about 20:30 GMT (21:30 UK time, 22:30 central europan time)

We wait maximum 10 min to the participiants, so please dont late.

Who will come?

Some rules for for the newbies and the others:
- in Time Trial we don't really fight each other on the track, the only important thing is your laptime.
That is why if you have a mistake, or you're just slow, and you can see anybody behind you on a fast lap, let him go, dont make his lap slower please. (at the starts it is good to give enough space for the others around you, even for the car before and behind you to avoid the situation when everybody sais: I was on fast lap too, so I didn't want to let you go")

- We always use stock cars, reward cars and not tuned ones here. In some case I can't make a Manufacturer lobby, because then we can't chose the reward cars. It's up to everybody to be fair, and use ONLY stock cars.

- Please pay attention on my posts, what car will we use on which track if we don't use Manufacturers lobby, because we don't want to restart several times if you can't find the good car.

- We will have 2 or 3 Long attempts on every track, except on the green hell, it is enough to go 1 midsized run.

- Don't use any kind of driving aids, but if you need ABS, it is up to You!
- Use Professional settings!
- And of course automatic gearbox is forbidden!
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i have to convert your time into my local time, could you give me a GMT time that you are starting. You can send me friend request I'm freshseth83 on PSN. I don't use it often so I'm not sure how to add friends, but you could tell me
i have to convert your time into my local time, could you give me a gmt time that you are starting. You can send me friend request i'm freshseth83 on psn. I don't use it often so i'm not sure how to add friends, but you could tell me

20:30 gmt
I'm sorry Mohamu but there is only one thing that stopping me from racing with you guys. Well not racing but time attack lap run. It's clear rule of NO ABS, because i am using ABS.
I'm sorry Mohamu but there is only one thing that stopping me from racing with you guys. Well not racing but time attack lap run. It's clear rule of NO ABS, because i am using ABS.

Have you read my post?:) You can use ABS man!

PS: You always say: " I'll come", then we wait for you, but you never come..
We will start after the Champion's League match, it's about 20:30 GMT (21:30 UK time, 22:30 central europan time)

We wait maximum 10 min to the participiants, so please dont late.

Who will come?



Hey Mohamu believe it or not I never made a online TimeTrial:dunce:

I will also watch the champions league match and intend on going online after I'll page you via PSN,and if the lobby isn't ...errr...too crowded I will probably join,ok?👍
Hey Mohamu believe it or not I never made a online TimeTrial:dunce:

I will also watch the champions league match and intend on going online after I'll page you via PSN,and if the lobby isn't ...errr...too crowded I will probably join,ok?👍

It won't be too crowded I think:)

I'll send an invite for a chatroom for everyone before the runs and i hope we can start in time! We'll wait for you but please send a PSN message if you can't come, but i hope you'll be able to join us arvore!

PS: I'm sure Shark will join, I hope Lefty will too. Maybe the new guy, freshseth83 will come, but I'm not sure in the others, so maybe there will be only 4 of us.
Have you read my post?:) You can use ABS man!

PS: You always say: " I'll come", then we wait for you, but you never come..

Ahh man you change that ABS rule :)

1. This time ill be there 👍 Just to fly around Nordschleife :) I did put small note on my LCD so i will not forget.

Last time yes i was not able to come because ..... That's the past let's focus on the future
This TT is tonight right? I can join ring TT, but I dont got the RSR for road america (save file currupt)

I didnt have bmw m1 so im out....
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Hmm is it tonight ?? I thought it is in Saturday May 1st.
I didn't want to race on Saturday because the League races.
Is it still good for you to join us tonight?

This TT is tonight right? I can join ring TT, but I dont got the RSR for road america (save file currupt)

I didnt have bmw m1 so im out....
I hope next time You can join us! Please note if you haven't got the car/track and I'll see, I'm sure we can make some change to give opurtunity everyone who wants to join us!
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