Online used car list

So, with rumours that a livery editor could be coming to GT5, i, along with others, were thinking of a place where you can buy and sell your cars, kind of like a GT autotrader

in order for it to work and be cool i thought of these things:

you can only have one car on sale at a time per player
you can only sell your car to one person
your car could be rated for its wins online which give it a kind of rating
PD could put random rare cars for sale
you can set your own price and description
the car is sold with all your mods still on it

so what does everyone think and what are your ideas
That would be nice, but in test drive unlimited there was something like that and everybody was putting their selling prices at 9 999 999 $ and it was hard to find deals. Anyway this would be an awesome feature if people take it seriously.
Thats a good idea. But then the prizes of new cars have to be high compared to the money you win in order to force the players to look for good ocasions and also to make people want to sell old cars like IRL. There should be some fixed lists of used cars like in gt4 AND the used online car lots. There should be a big ebay thing:D
would be nice too if rare cars, or very special ones, were sold in a auction type... or something..
and to prevent overpriced cars, the game itself could put a "roof" in the sale price... based on ranking... or specs.. more wins and more you upgrade the machine, more will be its price..
I kind of agree with you here... an online car trader, like in Forza and TDU. Except that there should be some rule that says prices are in increments of 10 or something like that and that there is a minimum and maximum price for every car... but that would take a lot of time to program.
I don't think there should be a minimum or maximum. If they make it so there is an auction house type thing the prices will stay relatively low. In F2 the only cars that are higher in price normally come with a tune(prices can get real high if the car is a LE) or it has a really intricate paint job on it.
I think including reverse auctions could help prevent sky-high prices. In fact, I think I would prefer it for any non-custom cars, assuming there is some level of customization.
If people put sky high prices on their cars then they wont sell them, unless they made some awesome artwork on them or something, but thats the thing 'Nice things cost money'.

The GT community will be so huge that even rare cars will be abundant online sales/auctions I'm sure you will be able to find one that will be of semi-reasonable price.

I agree with everything sher_da_putt mentioned in post #1 except I am not so sure about the logged amount of wins of a car, it's not bad as if people mass produce their tunes they obviously wont have wins on the paticular car but wins could be manipulated pretty easily.
If people put sky high prices on their cars then they wont sell them, unless they made some awesome artwork on them or something, but thats the thing 'Nice things cost money'.

The GT community will be so huge that even rare cars will be abundant online sales/auctions I'm sure you will be able to find one that will be of semi-reasonable price.

I agree with everything sher_da_putt mentioned in post #1 except I am not so sure about the logged amount of wins of a car, it's not bad as if people mass produce their tunes they obviously wont have wins on the paticular car but wins could be manipulated pretty easily.

I have to agree with the win part, I do tunes in Forza 2 and normally the only car I use online is the original.
I don't think there should be a minimum or maximum. If they make it so there is an auction house type thing the prices will stay relatively low. In F2 the only cars that are higher in price normally come with a tune(prices can get real high if the car is a LE) or it has a really intricate paint job on it.

That's a pretty good idea too... I know about Forza's exchange thingy... my friend is really good at making a profit off Forza cars... :sly:
This module could be used to establish a tuning shop, like the ones we have here. One could go to the shop, and a selection of tunes could be available for his car. Once bought, for the price of an oil change, maybe, he is transported to the tune's specific track to try it out.

A tune could also include the spare parts that you don't have yet... And maybe a sticker on your windshield. All this not for profit, but community growth. With a stat tracking thingie that would advertise the quality of the shop.

I'd be a client to the GTP Tune shop.
So, with rumours that a livery editor could be coming to GT5, i, along with others, were thinking of a place where you can buy and sell your cars, kind of like a GT autotrader

in order for it to work and be cool i thought of these things:

you can only have one car on sale at a time per player
you can only sell your car to one person
your car could be rated for its wins online which give it a kind of rating
PD could put random rare cars for sale
you can set your own price and description
the car is sold with all your mods still on it

so what does everyone think and what are your ideas

This is a great idea 👍

The bidding should be done ebay style, where you can set a maximum amount that you would pay and it will auto bid you up to that amount

However something should be done about save cheats, so guys cant copy their save to a memory stick or something then buy the same cars back again over and over

PD has mentioned releasing cars in limited edition, but I dont think they will be auctioned off using in game credits.
While this is a good idea and works very well in Forza, there's no reason you couldn't have any number of cars up for auction.
This is an awesome idea. I was an avid Forza 2 player for about 2 years. The auction was really a great feature to Forza and there's no reason why it wouldn't work in GT5. I think it will add just that little bit more to the whole GT experience and take it one step closer to being a simulator, and creating a strong long lasting community.👍

I don't agree with only being able to sell 1 vehicle at once. Like Forza, I think the player should be allowed to auction as many vehicles off at once as he or she pleases.

What I do agree with is that there should be a cap on the price the seller can charge for a vehicle. Having cars for sale for hundreds of millions of credits will only create a huge case of inflation for the mini GT economy. In turn it will probably ruin the auction experience because a lot of players won't be able to bid on cars that are in excess of 100,000,000,000+
While this is a good idea and works very well in Forza, there's no reason you couldn't have any number of cars up for auction.

the reason i think having one car up for sale, or auction at a time, per player, is so that there arent to many cars listed, this plus a filter search will make buying cars easier, i supose it could be a bigger limit, say 3 cars at a time, but there should be a limit
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This is an awesome idea. I was an avid Forza 2 player for about 2 years. The auction was really a great feature to Forza and there's no reason why it wouldn't work in GT5. I think it will add just that little bit more to the whole GT experience and take it one step closer to being a simulator, and creating a strong long lasting community.👍

I don't agree with only being able to sell 1 vehicle at once. Like Forza, I think the player should be allowed to auction as many vehicles off at once as he or she pleases.

What I do agree with is that there should be a cap on the price the seller can charge for a vehicle. Having cars for sale for hundreds of millions of credits will only create a huge case of inflation for the mini GT economy. In turn it will probably ruin the auction experience because a lot of players won't be able to bid on cars that are in excess of 100,000,000,000+

i think ive found a way to resolve this problem, you can only have your car on auction for a limited time, and also there needs to be a show room but for your selected cars, where you show of you car, this way people wont put up a car on sale for millions just to show off, or try to make a ridiculous profit

i think the best thing about all of this, is that someone might need to get rid of thier old run around and they might have spent 100000's as you would on gt4, but to shift it they would have to sell it for a good price, so a buyer can buy a used car cheaper than it would to do up your car normally, this is basically like real life.

of course there would be even move advantages than this
Question for those that have played a considerable amount of Forza 2. How easy is it to copy paint jobs from one car to the next etc. Basically what I am asking is how easy and how much does it cost to sell multiple copies of cars. Also when you sell or auction off a vehicle does it disappear out of your garage. I for one think that they should make as much use of the online capabilities as possible. However do have a few conserns that a lot of players will buy the best tuned cars that are for sell. Which than may give them an unfair advantage in races. Also could lead to certain makes of cars being used more than others. However I think with a fully supported and fairly extensive online race creation options that most of this would be placed in check. Meaning that with private and league races that there should be pleanty of opertunity for everyone to find races that are good and suit their style. They could also maybe include a race restriction that prevents online purchased cars (from other users) being used. This would only be an option that might come in handy for people that want limit specially tuned cars from being entered. Also even perhaps on say GT5 sponsered races they might want to use a feature where cars entered can only be ones purchased in game or download add on. Also it would most likely be nice if there was a one step option to duplicate your car. Meaning that you pay full price for the purchased car and all add on cost all in one lump sum. However this option would not be available to in game race cars or special cars or perhaps even cars with rare colors. The downside to this is that it would be really easy to make cars to sell to people or even could be exploited to make credits. However a one step duplication process could maybe cost say 1.5 to 2 times as much as building the car from scratch. Also what about in game car resale values. I think the depreciation needs to be based on a lot more factors, milage, damage, wins, parts added, rarety, paint job etc. I think for instance of low milage, high win ratio, no damage, right part combinations, custom paint etc. that in some case the car value could go up as much as 4 times. Especially if you are building up and restoring and old car. Anyways I think that beyond GT5 any other versions will be online only for the whole game but of course have offline arcade mode. I tend to think of GT as similar to say collecting Hot Wheels or something along those lines in a lot of ways. I do hope that some cars that are offered as download content are limited in number meaning a few thousand or less in some cases. I would expect that GT5 will more than fullfill collectors desires. Oh another thing if realistic damage is added and you have to pay to have it fixed. Most times your car will be totaled and in the real world not fixable. For that reason I think that they should give you the option to pay one fee to replace the car as good as new. However for say the special cars, in game races cars so that this is not exploited they could make it so that whatever car is being revived there is only one left in your garage. Therefore preventing someone from making multiple copies.
Why not charge a player based on the time the car is for sale on the online auction and / or charge comission on the sale? That way, a ridiculously priced car that won't sell will cost the idiotic seller. If the auction took such a comission (proportionate with value of the car), this should act as a deterent.
Why not charge a player based on the time the car is for sale on the online auction and / or charge comission on the sale? That way, a ridiculously priced car that won't sell will cost the idiotic seller. If the auction took such a comission (proportionate with value of the car), this should act as a deterent.

That's actually a great idea idea. You have to put 10% upfront, so you make 90% of the profit on the vehicle, to list a car at 1,000,000 it cost you 100,000 to list it. The car has say a 5 day sale window, if it isn't bought you don't get your money back. This puts an element of strategy to selling.

Auctions would also require a different strategy, perhaps a maximum limit at say 5times the cars value, to prevent someone getting excessive amounts from mr moneybags.
I think you guys are getting carried away with the notion of billion credit sales. For one thing, just think of how expensive the race cars are in GT4, a few are nearly 4,000,000 credits, or maybe more. So how much would a race car with a superb custom livery cost? It should be more, maybe a lot more, because you're buying a unique car, and someone's hard work in creating it. It's nothing unusual to spend a week painting up an involved car in Forza 2, and they do go for astronomical sums because hardly anyone can make them, and it is a hassle. Keep this in mind if you mope about high prices in an auction. Some cars are actually worth 10 mil. But when basic cars don't sell for high prices, and if custom cars don't sell for super high marks, the sellers will learn and things will even out.
This seems nice, but I'd personally have just the normal selling prices for the cars that you do sell!
Would be nice if you could start your own "lot" for you and friends and everyone here could put the car they wanted to sell on there and us gtp members who do take it seriously could just look there and if nothing catches your eye go somewhere else after that. It would be like boosting our virtual economy for gtp :)
Would be nice if you could start your own "lot" for you and friends and everyone here could put the car they wanted to sell on there
I'd thought of something like that way back in 2005. I had a concept of separate garages where you could sort your cars, and there would be one labeled "For Sale." The GT5 online browser would list all For Sale garages that had at least one car in it, and you could sort the list according to various filters such as price, horsepower, Japanese cars, Nissan, Le Mans, tuners, etc. But I think the network overhead for something like this is still too much, and the "carbay" idea is a much easier, more efficient one.
I agree a nice paint job can be expensive mod to raise the price of the car, but what if you own a paint shop & you do the paint your self :). That can be a nice money.
If any of you have played Forza Motorsport 2, they have an online auction house where people bid on cars other players have created.... You can actuley get some good deals on there too! Its quite simple too!

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