Online Xlink lag, ping or throughput?

  • Thread starter panjandrum
Does GT4 have a high total throughput demand, not just a low ping demand?

I've finally taken the time to get GT4 setup online via. Xlink and it is working OK, but just laggy enough to be a bother. I would say the game runs about 80% speed and there is a very occasional hiccup, but overall it is very very close to being correct. I'm only hosting a single player outside my LAN (and hosting up to 4 more internally on the LAN, so for up to 6 players including the host and the broadband player).

Pings are typically in the 50s and 60s, which certainly doesn't seem bad.

If this is total throughput related, we can increase the broadband speed at the slower location (remote player), but if it is just a ping issue then of course there isn't much we can do.

Anyone have some concrete knowledge what the ping and throughput demands are for a fully smooth GT4 online experience?
OK, come on, I know there are a lot of Xlink users here...

I'm sure some of you have had lag issues and worked at solving them, right?

Thanks in advance.
i did xlink at my friends place one day but he didnt have a fast connection so it was running about 50% speed. but i dont know what we did coz all of a sudden it was runing fast as anything but we later found out that his usage got reset on the internet so it went back up to full speed. a suggestion would be to go into your modems settings and enable unPnP and turn of the ping. then portforward your modem so xlink has full usage when it is been used for maximum speed. go to and follow the instructions on the page hopefully ive been a help
