only 100 cars in garage?

  • Thread starter Thiele
GTP_Thiele (PSP only)
ive got i think 100 or so cars in the garage and whenever i buy a car it says no more room in garage and there is about 650 cars in the game and i cant get all the cars:grumpy: :mad: :banghead::ouch: :( i searched for something about this and i found nothing 650 cars only 100 allowed in garage what a mess:(
Yup, go to a used gaming store if you can and buy em cheap. Some of them will no doubt be broken, but usually you can just take the broke ones back until they give you good ones. ¬
That was one of my greatest disappointments in the game. I've got two memory cards right now and am planning to get another. They're cheap so you should be able to find some good ones second-hand.
Good times my old PS1 days were...

Don't ask why but it didn't take long for me to aquire 8 'full' memory cards
I just recieved a new copy of GT2 in the post this morning, only cost 2 quid so I thought, why not. The best answer to any and all emmory card troubles in the MaxDrive.
try looking for something called a "mega memory card". its got 360 blocks of memory. as in, it is one single card that does that. its made by some company called "performance" lol. it has two buttons on it.. where u choose from A-C. under each letter, is 8 sections. so ex. A1, A2, A3 to C8. EACH of those has 15 blocks, or one regular memory card.

be careful tho, after very long usage (im talking 5+ years) it could go haywire and crash on u. then it wont work 100% properly afterwards :grumpy: which is what happened to mine. i had A1-A3 full..its all gone now. on the other hand.. my brother's is doing just fine. still works perfectly 👍
Buy a maxdrive, £10 and as good as infinite saves stored on your PC, will work with PS1 and PS2 memory cards, no need to own a seconds memory card ever.
so your point in saying that was, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt?

well said, well said!


that is what he's saying. I bought 3 of these megacards a couple years ago and none of them worked. ¬