Only one pic, but I discovered low exposure time! (w00t)

  • Thread starter Delirious
I don't know exactly what you're asking hah, is it just general tips on shooting long time exposure? I can only say make sure you get the camera as steady as possible. Any slight movement will ruin the sharpness of the image, sometimes even by pressing the shutter button. Good combo is to mount camera on the tripod, and use the self timer that way there's no touching of the camera when it's taking the shot. BTW how long is it? I had an old cheapo HP that allowed 1s, 2s, 3s, and 4s.
I turned the flash off my camera which produced about a 4 second exposure time, thus how I got my clock radio to look like that.

Just general tips for cool pics like that or whatever. I'm a noob in this particular section :).
Ahhh it's so clear now. Yeah, basically what I said earlier. When I get bored I just turn my camera to 2 seconds and wave it around in areas with bright coloured lights; keep doing it over and over long enough and eventually you'll get a good one (i.e. )
There's lots of fun stuff to do. Get friends would write words with cigs or other light forms, sparklers and fireworks look crazy, and of course the typical car streaks are always enjoyable.
Set your camera on the dashboard of a car or secure it to the headrest, then drive down a well-lit street with the shutter open (exposing the film). A lot of car magazines use this for a "speed" effect, but it looks virtually the same no matter what speed you drive.

EDIT: Bah! antihero said this already!

Also, If you have a tripod that can lock movement except for just one axis (i.e. only up/down or side to side), take a long exposure in front of some lights while swiveling it. Do the same after setting off the flash at the beginning of the exposure (camera may not let you acitvat the flash manually, looks best in a darkened room with a couple small lights). Experiment!
Ooooh, i love tips for nubs :)

I never really experimented with exposure time before.

My mum was thinking of buying that camera, btw :)