A AtomS 3 Feb 1, 2005 #1 Hello all, i want to hear the Music of GT1 or GT2 i found a Music.DAT file on the DISC, anyone have an idee, how can i open and listen the MUSICs ? What programm do i need to open this file ? Thank you AtomSoldier.
Hello all, i want to hear the Music of GT1 or GT2 i found a Music.DAT file on the DISC, anyone have an idee, how can i open and listen the MUSICs ? What programm do i need to open this file ? Thank you AtomSoldier.
N Neon_SRT 548 Feb 1, 2005 #2 You didn't need to start a new thread. You could of asked the other thread you started.
A AtomS 3 Feb 2, 2005 #3 Neon_SRT You didn't need to start a new thread. You could of asked the other thread you started. Click to expand... SORRY
Neon_SRT You didn't need to start a new thread. You could of asked the other thread you started. Click to expand... SORRY
mplacki 116 Feb 2, 2005 #4 No idea. You could do what I did, plug the PSX audio cord into the microphone slot in your PC and record it. I only did that for the opening movie, though...
No idea. You could do what I did, plug the PSX audio cord into the microphone slot in your PC and record it. I only did that for the opening movie, though...