Opinions on Wheel Stand Pro

  • Thread starter Parker
United States
Kentucky, USA
I'm in the market for a small "cockpit" and from what I can see the Wheel Stand Pro seems like it is what I'm looking for.

A Logitech G27 will be going on it, and I'm asking for opinions on those who have the WSP and use a G25 or G27 with it, how stable is it and would you recommend a purchase?

Thank you,

My first rig was a WSP. it's not bad as far as stability. I know when i use it, it's pretty stable, but others..it does wobble because they pull or push on it. I am not sure if it's worth 180 dollars, but if you get it used for less..go for it.
I have a WSP with a G27 and really like it. Mine is a regular WSP upgraded to fit the G27. I get a little forward flex of the upright bar, but the deluxe WSP may not have that. It's not really an issue in my mind. I think it is perfect for someone who doesn't have room for a cockpit or wants to game from a couch or chair.
Parker you will not regret your purchase and wonder how you managed before.

Honestly mate. I wouldn't recommend anything dud

In my little avatar pic. I've got a car seat next to my WSP and it's just like a cockpit.

Got two in fact. G27 and GT2.
Hey Spagetti.. the seat is looking good.. glad it's getting some use!

Cheers mate. I was meaning to drop you a tenner while we were chatting. Honest.
I used the Wheel Stand Pro for a while until I built my own rig. It is very well built, stable and very adjustable. Additionally, they guys that make it are super nice and helpful. I highly recommend it as a movable rig.
Cheers mate. I was meaning to drop you a tenner while we were chatting. Honest.

I would have refused.. it was gratis.. freebie.. costless.. I just wanted it out of my front room.. the missis was starting to get annoyed at it just sitting there!
Thank you all for the opinions. I had watched a few videos online but I trust the people here about sim racing gear more than anywhere else, and with all the positive talk from people I trust I now have one on the way.

Thanks again guys,
