Optical Audio source T.V. or directly to console?

I am wondering if there is any difference in quality/delay when connecting a surround sound gaming headset with Optical Audio cable through the T.V. set or directly to the game console ps3/xbox360?

I have a ps3 and xbox360 and for the longest time i have been switching the optical cable between the 2 systems every time i switch games. I forgot that there was an Optical source on my t.v. till searching the headset i purchased and the T.V. source was mentioned. I got the Astro A40 headset yesterday.

Thanks for any info,
-Robert :)👍
Optical from console to TV, then optical to something else should be OK.

HDMI from console to TV, then optical to something else will be stereo only. Digital rights management gets killed when you change media, so only stereo is allowed, no surround.

If all you're using is optical you should be OK, but keep the limitation in mind if you upgrade to HDMI at some point.
Thanks. It would be hdmi console to t.v. then optical t.v. to mixamp. I will go directly to the console. The optical cable included with the Astros seems a lot sturdier than my turtle beach cable and that one took the wear of switching between consoles fine.

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