Optical Tuning in GT5 like in Forza2... Would you like it?

  • Thread starter Sele1981

in the last time i´ve seen a many pictures of forza2 and i´m very impressed! impressed about the tuning options... you can change the engines of your car and nearly everything else... and the optical tuning is great too! Give your car your own style with body paintings,thats very nice for me...
Also the feature to sell your creations in the game like in ebay...

So what do you think about this options? would you like to have this features in GT5 too?

(sorry for my english :D)

for example




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No tuning like that needed for me...
Just give me the ability to buy different wheels, car parts.. etc:)
And what I have always wanted..
the ability to change the colour of your car in stead of buying a whole new one.
Yukuza will come after them.
Those Japanese are so damn efficient, they'll just bypass judicial system. :lol:

If I had Forza 2, I'd love to have Gran Turismo, or gtplanet painted on the hood. I'll probably get yelled at by the fanboys though. :D
i think this always means:
more optical tuning options vs car modeling detail...
gt series = best graphics cars.. then i would like some optical customization... but only if it can keep the actual graphic detail
About the tuning options in next GT5 I think it will be nice to have:

- Engine Swap (L4 - L6 - V6 - V8 - V10 - Single & Twin-Turbo...).
- Body Kit.
- Wheel's (Size 15' . . . 22', manufeacturer ...).
- Body painting, vynil, sticker's.
- Diferent brand (HKS, Spoon, Nismo...) of suspensions, air filter etc...
- Diferent tires manufecturers (Toyo, Yokohama, Michelin etc...).
- . . .

- Diferent brand (HKS, Spoon, Nismo...) of suspensions, air filter etc...
- Diferent tires manufecturers (Toyo, Yokohama, Michelin etc...).

That kind of thing seems superfluous - PD are hardly going to test every car with every different brand of tuning modification and they're certainly not going to get licences for them if some companies products are better in the game than others - can you imagine the other companies liking that?

I agree that body kits, painting, different size wheels etc should be in the game (whether you choose to use all the options or not) but having branded tuning parts beyond the tuner garages option would be a waste of time.

To be honest, the option to truly personalise the car would be nice, but I'd stop short of putting somebody's face on my hood...

Yeah that seems to be popular w/ some of the forza crowd but there are some who just like to make replicas and race paints..like me :P I actually paint for a specialized group (AG)..we put up cars painted/tuned on the Auction House. It's fun and ppl love to see what we come up with. I hope GT replicates this formula.

Here's some examples (my paints)..the first two are from our latest release.

[AG] Team HIGHBALL Savanna


Slightly modified version...





My version..




[AG] Super GT Jim Center F360 GT






[AG] SuperGT PMU GT300 RWD Celica




Super GT RE Amemiya RX-7






2006 British GT BLP Widebody




Zero/Sports STI




Custom cars

Kyle Petty Custom Boss 429 & Shelby GT500KR


[AG] Dark F355





[AG] Light F355

looking at those examples it's impossible to say no I think. But since it would probably delay Gran Turismo 5 for another 12 years or something, it's probably best to say that it's fine that every car looks the same.
I really like your work Dunkee!👍 but on the other faces of people on they're cars..:ill: sorry.

can't you make the Nissan GTR gt academy in forza ?:dopey: that would be so cool and yes i would put a GTPLanet sticker on all my online cars:)
"When was the last time you saw someones face on a real racecar?"

The Indiana Jones promotion on Marco Andretti's IRL car.

As for the topic at hand, I think it would be pretty cool to see that kind of customization available in GT5. I like Dunkee's replication of old-school race liveries and most of the TC's photos as well (Though whoever did that to the 2000GT should get SHOT). I especially liked the second photo in that list (SNK fan right here!).
i would like it just to add some of the race liveries to my car. like the 2007 laguna seca livery for the corvettes.


seriously having that livery on my corvette would make me so happy. and as long ass they keep laguna seca as a track ill be in heaven.
I don't see Forza-style visual "tuning" to be feasible, but what about something like the system in GRiD? It allows you to choose from preset patterns, and then set paint colors and place sponsor decals. That seems doable to some degree, and GRiD manages to make the cars look great with custom paintwork.
I think it could be something a lot more simple than Forza's just some colors wich would be pretty cool as long as they stop just before making the faces sub-menu on the car editing.
I think it could be something a lot more simple than Forza's just some colors wich would be pretty cool as long as they stop just before making the faces sub-menu on the car editing.
There is no "faces sub-menu", just a powerful editing tool made up of various simple shapes and gradients.

However, I do agree that GT doesn't need to go to the depths of Forza's livery editor... just give us some simple templates and choices to allow for personalizing each ride beyond choosing car color at purchase. :)