Optimizing the graphics?

  • Thread starter Mangudai
I was wondering what was the best way to optimize the graphics for this game when using the ps3 on a HDTV. I noticed that when I set the in game option to Proggressive or even 1080 it looked horrible. My TV supports both of these and I was told on another forum that this was typical. Im using hdmi cables and wanted to know if their was anyway for me to make the game look any better. It doesnt look bad at all but I was just curious. Right now i have it set to normal and the ps2 option set to smooth and full in the ps3 hud.
Hey Mangudai and welcome to GTP! Enjoy your stay :cheers:

Immediatly when I saw this thread, I knew threads on this were made before so I dug into some threads, I hope some of these can be useful to you:


Also, this is not the PS3 forum so you've posted in the wrong place, try here: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=157

If you don't find anything useful, please tell us but read carefully before you tell these links are useless ;)👍

On that, I'd like to mention that GTPlanet has nearly 100,000 members and therefore, a lot of threads are being made daily. This gives that the moderating staff has a hard time keeping everything tidy. You can help them actually with this; Instead of making a new thread, use the site's search function (www.gtplanet.net/forum/search.php). By typing in keywords, this function will search throughout all GTP to find matches for your keywords. The chances are very high you'll find your answers in older threads so Moderators won't have to look throughout new threads if it's similar to older threads 👍

I believe he did do a search...The problem is upscaling with the ps3 was implemented in the newest firmware update...Thus no one has posted about this issue before. The settings you have set with smoothing and full are correct and you should be playing with the best quality. I think the ps3 upscales to 1080p for you so there should be no reason to select it in the gt4 menu. I have found that the settings you provided do give the best quality for gt4 on the ps3. Hope this helped!
Hey thanks a lot for the replies. Yes I did search but I wasnt able to find quite what i was looking for. I actually forgot about the upscaling and that would explain things. Thanks a lot