ORCA Drivers Club & Network - Sign Ups Open

  • Thread starter BrandonW77
United States


Welcome to the Online Racing Championship Association (ORCA) Drivers Club, a place for GTP members to race anything and everything that GT5 has to offer, all in the comfort of a Private Lounge Network. We offer multiple places to race, depending on your tastes. The ORCA_SpecRace1 lounge will feature "spec racing" of all kinds, from Shuffle racing to Recommended Garage racing, Same-Make racing and even Kart racing! The ORCA_SpotRace1 lounge will feature all the PP racing you could hope for, from 350pp Comfort Soft races to unlimited PP Racing Soft races! We even have a dedicated lounge for Capp Cup racing (ORCA_CappCup1) where you can race anything related to the snappy little Cappuccino.

The intent for the ORCA Drivers Club is for it to be a fairly autonomous lounge network that all members are free to use whenever and however they please. ORCA Officials may or may not be present at any given time, but members do not need an Official's presence or permission to open one of the lounges, you can do so whenever you want. Our goal is to replicate something similar to the Public Lobby environment but with only "GTP Approved" members populating the lounges, on a nightly basis!


Do you have a bunch of great FR and AWD cars but are lacking some good FF or MR cars (or vice versa)? Tired of driving the same old cars at the same PP levels day in and day out? Or maybe you've bought hundreds of cars that you thought would be fun to drive at some point but have been left sitting in the garage since purchase, collecting dust. This is the place where you can try out all different kinds of cars and racing, exclusively with GTP members from different parts of the world. So get the oil changed, get the paint gun out and go racing! Maybe you'll find a diamond in the rough that becomes a new favorite, maybe you find a lump of crap that you never want to drive again. Either way, you've gotten to experience more of what the game has to offer than you might have otherwise........and had fun doing it!

We accept drivers of all types and all skill levels, however all members are expected to be considerate and professional and must adhere to the GTP Online Racing Rules and Guidelines at all times. Members found to be in repeated violation of the OLR will be removed from the lounge's friends list and will no longer be able to participate. Only GTP members will have access to these lounges and while you may not know everybody that comes into the room you will know that they are from GTP and are expected to be friendly and well behaved (i.e. no driving backwards in an X2011).


To join the ORCA Drivers Club click theRegistration Link, fill out the form,
and then add the following PSN ID's
(Please only add the ones you're interested in racing in):



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We will use a loose theme to guide the racing through the week that can be applied to both the SpecRace and SpotRace lounges. The week will start off easy and see the intensity of the racing gradually increase through the week until we're running full out race cars! So in a week's time you can drive anything from Lightweights on CS tires to F1 cars on RS tires, and everything in between. For the most part, the specifics of what will actually be raced will be decided by the people in the room, we're just providing a general framework to get you started.

Monday: 350-400pp on Comfort Soft tires
Tuesday: 400-450pp on Comfort Soft tires, up to Sports Soft tires
Wednesday: 450-500pp on Sports Hard tires, up to Sports Soft tires
Thursday: 500-550pp on Sports Soft tires, up to Racing Soft tires
Weekends are for Racing! Friday thru Sunday will be unlimited PP and unlimited tires!

Our private lounge network will be available to anybody that registers and adds the PSN accounts to their friends list. The lounges can be opened at anytime, by anybody. The actual account does not need to be online, nor does an ORCA Official need to be involved. This means that you'll never see the yellow dot above the coffee cup, but simply clicking on the coffee cup will show you who's in the lounge. Members do not need to know anybody in the lounge, all members are welcome to join any lounge at any time. If you plan on opening one of the lounges for some racing, simply post in this thread when you'll be there and what you plan on racing. Other members can reply with feedback or when they can attend. If you plan on racing something specific and find there are already people in the lounge, work with them to find something you'll all enjoy racing.​
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The SpotRace lounge is for any kind of PP based, open-tuning racing. All modifications and upgrades are allowed as long as they fall within the selected PP range. When opening the SpotRace lounge please refer to the above weekly schedule to see what kind of racing should be offered on that day, this way when somebody joins they lounge they have a general idea of what kind of racing will be going on and can have a few cars ready to race.

We ask that track grip be set to "real"and fuel/tire wear be turned "on" so we can have a consistent environment for racing, but all other settings are left open to whatever the members desire. In a private lounge anybody can change the room settings. If a member joins the lounge and finds that the grip and tire/fuel wear is not set properly they are encouraged to change them to the recommended settings.

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The SpecRace lounge is for any kind of tuning restricted racing, such as Shuffle racing, Recommended Garage racing, karting, or anything with the "tuning prohibited" option selected. The weekly PP schedule can be applied to this lounge but the racing here will be more flexible since Shuffle racing and karting may not fall into the specified daily category. For karting, allowing adjustments of the transmission is permitted at the discretion of the current host.

We ask that track grip be set to "real"and fuel/tire wear be turned "on" so we can have a consistent environment for racing, but all other settings are left open to whatever the members desire. In a private lounge anybody can change the room settings. If a member joins the lounge and finds that the grip and tire/fuel wear is not set properly they are encouraged to change them to the recommended settings.

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The CappCup lounge is for any kind of Cappuccino or Kei car racing, either with tuning permitted or prohibited (at the hosts discretion). Either of the 2 Premium Cappuccino's can be raced as well as the RM Cappuccino. In addition, any "Kei" car (Japanese car under 700cc) or lightweight/low powered cars can be raced in this lounge. Tires used in this lounge should always be Sport Soft or less, even on the RM Cappuccino.

We ask that track grip be set to "real"and fuel/tire wear be turned "on" so we can have a consistent environment for racing, but all other settings are left open to whatever the members desire. In a private lounge anybody can change the room settings. If a member joins the lounge and finds that the grip and tire/fuel wear is not set properly they are encouraged to change them to the recommended settings.

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Cool! Great to see you Zero. Hoping we can get some good racing going on a regular basis with lots of GTP members!
Cool! Great to see you Zero. Hoping we can get some good racing going on a regular basis with lots of GTP members!

no doubt. I just noticed your registration link so I filled that out too.
^ Great! We should have a lot of the Capp Cup and Alfa Z Cup guys as regular members and I've recruited a few capable hosts to get things kicked off and ensure we have the lounges open at regular times. We hope to have lots of racing!
Thanks for signing up guys! Due to the holiday I won't be doing much racing this weekend but I'll try to log on and accept any friend requests so everyone can start using the lounges if they want. We will start up in earnest next week.

I'm sure a lot of us are off work Monday and since it happens to be my birthday I think we'll organize something fun for Monday afternoon. Perhaps some recommended garage racing in the SpecRace lounge, Evo vs. STI and some karting? :sly:

Happy Holidays everyone, be safe and merry! :)
Hey guys, hope the Holiday treated you well! Today is my birthday (34) and I'd love to do some racing this afternoon. I'm thinking STI vs. Evo from the recommended garage and some karting in the ORCA_SpecRace1 lounge. Maybe around 4pm EST? Let me know if anyone will be available, nothing fancy just some fun racing.
The ORCA_SpecRace1 lounge is open for some recommended garage and kart racing! I'm logged into the account so I can accept friend requests, everyone is welcome to join!
Couldn't make it yesterday as usual, a little too early for me.

Should be a good year of racing!!
^ I knew it would be a bit early for some but I presumed a lot of us had yesterday off and wanted to be sure some of our UK pals could join up. There was only about 6 of us but we had some really good fun! Took the Evo's and STI's to Indy Road Course and the top 3 finished within about 2 seconds of each other. Then we went karting and had even more fun!

Looking forward to even more fun racing!
^ Some of us might be getting on track later but most of us are ~5 hours behind you so you might be in bed by then. If you can find some UK buddies to join up though, you're welcome to open one of the lounges yourself. I believe RDAardvark is around the PS3 today and able to accept friend requests, so feel free to send him a PM asking to accept the new friends. He's in the UK and always looking for more drivers from your region. 👍
I'll not be around much tonight but tomorrow night should be good for me. From around 8/8:30 GMT.
Hey guys. Tonight we will be looking to do some 500-550pp racing in the ORCA_SpotRace1 lounge. I should be available around 7pm EST, we can do several 5-10 lap races at different tracks, just for fun. We'll start off at 500pp SS and work our way up to 550pp RH. Any cars (tuned or stock) that meet the restrictions are welcome to race.

If you're interested in attending please post here, and if you haven't added ORCA_SpotRace1 on the PSN please send a friend request and we'll get you added. 👍

Hope to see you on track tonight!
Hey guys. Tonight we will be looking to do some 500-550pp racing in the ORCA_SpotRace1 lounge. I should be available around 7pm EST, we can do several 5-10 lap races at different tracks, just for fun. We'll start off at 500pp SS and work our way up to 550pp RH. Any cars (tuned or stock) that meet the restrictions are welcome to race.

If you're interested in attending please post here, and if you haven't added ORCA_SpotRace1 on the PSN please send a friend request and we'll get you added. 👍

Hope to see you on track tonight!
I'm opening the ORCA_SpotRace1 lounge now for some 500-550pp racing if anybody wants to join.

The ID won't be online so you won't see the yellow dot above the coffee cup. Just click the cup itself and join the lounge. 👍

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That was fun, good idea here. It was pretty cool racing some familiar names I hadn't seen in a while. I can see these rooms filling up quick. I'll definitely be back, thanks!
^ It had been a while! It was good racing with you. Hope we can get some more people onboard and make it a regular thing. 👍
Is everyone ready for the start of the Zagato cup? Well I for one am tired of driving around Daytona, honestly it is a featureless boring place to drive around if you are not racing. So I will be in the spec race lounge tomorrow (Jan 2nd) around 7:00 GMT and on for some Kei car hoonery. Dig up a Honda Beat or Mazda autozam (forget those fwd beasties they aren't nearly as fun to slide around) leave them as they come from the dealer and join me sliding them around various tracks. :dopey:
Hi guys, looking to re join GT5 races so will be registering soon(if ok?).
My connection isnt always 100% stable so if i cause any problems i will retire.

Hop to meet some of you soon.
^ Good to see you here Dave. Good to have someone else from the right side of the pond! The ORCA group is still pretty new but should cover most of your racing needs.