Organizing The Weekly Race Series (All Over Again!)

  • Thread starter Kent


Staff Emeritus
United States
Southern Louisiana
Hello Racers,

Until recently there was a long list containing most of the registered drivers in the Weekly Race Series.

This thread containing the list was deleted by accident... (allow me to explain)

After driver divisions were brought up in a recent thread I decided to bring the old list up to date (which I did).
I also wanted to make it obvious that the thread was a list of drivers and at that point I used the admin options menu to "edit thread."
Upon editing the thread title to read "WRS Driver Divsions" I submitted the changes and waited.
The thread was then deleted some how. :grumpy:

I searched and searched but couldn't find it... I contacted Jordan and through a lack of response I have assumed he couldn't help either.

So now I am faced with a problem.

What do I do to stablize the division system?

Should I restart the list from scratch based on the current drivers in the series?

Should I use the out-dated older list I have and rebuild it?

Should we come up with something new?

I am all ears for pretty much anything, and now that I've put in over 35 weeks of time as the moderator I have no reservations about changing things.

So please, let me hear what you all think.
Suggestions, comments, anything lol.
Just get back to me and let me know what's up.

In the mean time I think all of you will be just fine remembering your own division, but I would still like to address this issue as soon as possible.

Until next time,
I think you should just make the new list from divisions sent in by active drivers. In that way you would make a list of only the active drivers, thus weeding out the nonexistant ones. I think if you are serious enough to make an effort to do the race and send in a time, you should be able to remember the division you are in. In the rare case someone might have forgotten their division you could give them a decision of what division to start in.
👍 Make a point system that we can bring further on to GT4, then active players will be awarded for time spent.
Maybe top ten should get points, and one p. each for each event

div 1

Remember Brazil :dunce:
^ Look at the stats by flat-out. It's basically what you described. It would be nice to have an official leaderboard though.
I think you should just make the new list from divisions sent in by active drivers. In that way you would make a list of only the active drivers, thus weeding out the nonexistant ones.QUOTE]

Agree completely here as obviously it would be nice to know who the competition really is!

Maybe it is worth doing some type of excel spreadsheet as to Names, Division, # of 1st - 10th's, Points. From this we could have a proper league table and something for people to see exactly how they are doing. For an initial outlay of time, I would think that it would be very useful.

I know this won't be easy but you could go back to race 1 and start rebuilding the list race after race. You did delete it after all. This series is a long going one and history is part of it. I'll think more about it. Famine and Lotus also have stats.
I'd like to vote against any official point system. It's interesting as an aside, but it goes against what boombexus was trying to accomplish when he started the WRS (i.e. a series that's fun, friendly, and where people can learn about racing). Putting an official points system in place immediately makes it less interesting for new racers, as it emphasizes continuous involvement, rather than just running when and where you can/want to).

There are lots of other series out there with point systems, and more often than not, the point system and deciding who gets what, etc, takes away from just racing for fun (not to mention the additional burden it puts on the moderator to keep it up to date).

Better to have a series that's simple, a fun, friendly competitive race every week. No more, no less.

As far as the list of racers goes ... Why not go back to the out of date one. Post it up, and ask all of the racers to make sure that they're listed, and in they're proper division. Better than starting from scratch. (I guess it kinda depends on how out of date ...)

Maybe this time, save a local copy on your computer each time you edit it, kent?
Famine has those weekly stats in his big spreadsheet, and that's up-to-date as anything, you could just backwards engineer that to get your list and divisions back...
You could run another "qualifying event" and make the list that way.
As I recall the original event had a Lancer and Midfield...

I stopped running early on because of time constraints, and I hated getting beaten like a drum:lol:
I've still lurked about to see what's going on, and have run some of the events for my private enjoyment.

But with some of the recent changes in my life, I just don't have all that much time during most weeks to devote to this.
Thanks for the advice everyone.

I took care of the problem and this thread is now going to head into the archive.

Thanks again. :D

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