Ouch ! Sitting with legs crossed.

United States
United States
I've been resting up in my room for a while and I hate sitting in my chair while playing games. Whenever I cross my legs they go to sleep halfway and they start to hurt. Same way happens when I put them straight sometimes. I don't know what is wrong but it hurts.

Does this happen to anyone on these forums ?
I just moved to Japan, so I'm having to sit on floors with my legs crossed a lot. It hurts, but when in Rome...
I'm too old to sit cross legged, it hurts just trying to do it. :nervous:
Get a bean-bag.

Cheers Shaun
I just moved to Japan, so I'm having to sit on floors with my legs crossed a lot. It hurts, but when in Rome...

Indian style? Shoot, sit in seiza for 5 minutes and then complain.
Indian style? Shoot, sit in seiza for 5 minutes and then complain.

Having been to a few restaurants and bars where there were no seats, I've had to sit on the floor with my legs crossed. Thankfully not the "seiza" position, as I think that would be even harder for me.
I'm too old to sit cross legged, it hurts just trying to do it. :nervous:

Same here. Never been able to balance myself cross-legged/Indian-style, even when I was a kid, unless resting my back to the wall. Doesn't surprise me that my daughter can't do it either.

Been to few Japanese restaurants where you sit that way, but I can fold my legs, knees out, and sit that way for almost an hour before getting fidgity (sp?).

Oddly, I do cross my ankles a lot when sitting at a desk for long periods of time.
When I was about 13 I played Vanguard on my Atari 2600 (yeah boooooyz!) for over 3.5 hours. I hit a high score of 8,500,000 and hadn't moved from a kneeling position due to the concentration. I couldn't get up and had to roll around semi-paralysed for quite a few minutes. Bloody painful too.

Kinda similar. :D
I sit down in the crossed position all the time, only time is hurts is that bloody pin and needles crap.
Sounds like you need a new chair. Sitting with your legs crossed restricts blood flow and can bend your joints in ways that lead to pain and even long term damage. Get a new chair and sit properly and it'll solve your problem.
I've been resting up in my room for a while and I hate sitting in my chair while playing games. Whenever I cross my legs they go to sleep halfway and they start to hurt. Same way happens when I put them straight sometimes. I don't know what is wrong but it hurts.

Does this happen to anyone on these forums ?

Do what I do. Take a 10 or 15 minute break when they start to hurt. Stretch, go for a little walk. 👍

What's with these weird threads lately? :odd:

Members are facing peculiar problems it seems.
Cross legged is the most comfortable way for me to sit on the ground. Could sit like that for hours. You guys don't seem to be very flexible.
I prefer a range of sitting positions, and one of them is legs crossed. Another one is the Seiza, but sometimes I find it a bit uncomfortable.
Indian style? Shoot, sit in seiza for 5 minutes and then complain.
Nothing like seiza at the end of a hard day of drills. It was the worst part of when the old karate masters would come to train us and they've give a slow, slow speech that had to be translated on the fly.
What is seiza?


I sit in all kinds of ways, depending on the situation and the type of chair. Such as when sitting in a lobby, I'll cross my legs in what is called european style (gets typical "lol girl" comments sometimes) so I can easily rest what I am reading on my thigh.

At home though, much of the time I sit with my heels on chair, with my knees touching my chest more or less. Folded up, basically, and sometimes resting my chin on a knee.

I sit in all kinds of ways, depending on the situation and the type of chair. Such as when sitting in a lobby, I'll cross my legs in what is called european style (gets typical "lol girl" comments sometimes) so I can easily rest what I am reading on my thigh.

I don't understand how dudes can sit like that. I can cross my leg "american style" (good for a stretch in the airports) but after a while my knee starts telling me to piss off. Can't do "european" without smashing things together. How does that work for you?
I don't understand how dudes can sit like that. I can cross my leg "american style" (good for a stretch in the airports) but after a while my knee starts telling me to piss off. Can't do "european" without smashing things together. How does that work for you?

Easily. I've never really had problems doing it, so not sure how you smash stuff. Could be that I'm fairly slender and so less thigh mass their to smash into stuff?

In before typical Omnis' one-liner.
I sit cross-legged on the chair most of the time. I'm not a very tall person (5'8") so I guess that helps. I have no issues with pain even after long stretches, but I'll usually stretch em' out here and there.

I sit in all kinds of ways, depending on the situation and the type of chair. Such as when sitting in a lobby, I'll cross my legs in what is called european style (gets typical "lol girl" comments sometimes) so I can easily rest what I am reading on my thigh.

I'm not alone :D I tend to sit like that when I'm sitting on a school chair, but on benches and sofas where's there's more room to lean back I'll go with having my legs spread comfortably.

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