'Our' F1 Euro Championship!!

  • Thread starter GT4 genius
GT4genius or GTP_...
Would any body be interested in an online race where 11 of us race on 1 track each week and the following week race on the next one and so on.
We could set up a type of points scoring system like 10-1 for the first 10 real drivers and 0 for the last real driver. Even a fastest lap point, or pole position point!
Is anybody interested?
Yes. 👍

There are several F1:CE leagues, one even that has a thread in this forum, so you can get some ideas on how you might want to run it based on their experiences.
I know sadly. Thats why i called it euro. But you could set up ur own. I doubt this'll be a success if its only me and digital!
I'm in as long as it's clean racing. I don't mind the odd tap but no destruction derby fanboys. I know a couple of other PSN friends who might be up for this aswell.
Thanks we only need 8 more now. As for the damage thing we'll try and not have any messing. Even issus like Scuhmacers "accident" in monaco will be dealt with.
If i have an EU account can i play or do I need the PAL version?

My understanding, and experience, is that the region (NA, UK, Japan, etc) your login is associated with has no bearing on what online servers F1 connects to. So yes, you will need a PAL version of F1 to connected to those servers that host the European online games.

Now the next concern is since it looks like you are in California connection lag may play a significant role. For example, using speed test for comparison, the lag from my location in Dallas to Maine is about 76 ms. However the lag from Dallas to London is 140 ms. I don't know enough about networking to tell you how much of a negative impact lag over 100 ms is with this game, but it is definitely something you should consider/research before buying a PAL copy. Remember not only does high lag lessen your gaming experience, but it does the same for everyone racing in the same game. And on just about every course there is certain turns that are pretty much death if taken when the game studders due to lag. Just something to think about.
If we could just get a few more people we could start this weekend. I'd like to have at least 5 so far there is only 3:
sorry for he double post. i've got another person willing to do it also. how about getting it going this weekend.
Others could join later on