Out of Memory Line 9?

United States
Inland Empire SoCal
What does this mean? I keep getting this pop up after my computer completely freezes on me. I'm just trying to play Baloon Tower Defense 4 http://www.addictinggames.com/bloonstowerdefense4.html

I'm kicking ass, the game starts to slow to a crawl, and when I reach level 90 or slightly higher, it quits on me. I have to reset my computer to get it back. Doing a flush with CCleaner wont work.

What's the problem and how can I prevent it from happening? (Besides not playing BTD4, that is) Need a faster computer? More memory?

NOTE: I don't get this warning any time else. Just with this game.
Proably Flash-related issue. Try restarting your browser and try again. Presists? Restart your computer. :)

(BTW), I did filled this once on Site Feedback sub-forum, only it's line 10 ;))
Maybe try updating flash to the latest version (if you don't have it already).
Well if you are willing to go through the game again before you reach level 90 hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Then select Task Manager and select the Processes Tab. I have found if you load up a lot of flash and if you use firefox you will see plugin-container.exe at the top of the list. Right now as I just loaded the game the program skyrocketed to nearly 400MB. If you were to check the Performance tab you will see memory and CPU usage. If the momory is near the max when you are playing this game then it's an good idea to grab some extra RAM.
Proably Flash-related issue. Try restarting your browser and try again. Presists? Restart your computer. :)

Restarting browser wont clear it. Only a PC reset will.

(BTW), I did filled this once on Site Feedback sub-forum, only it's line 10 ;))

Restarting browser wont clear it. Only a PC reset will.

Maybe try updating flash to the latest version (if you don't have it already).

Got an update just a few days ago. Can't be that.

Well if you are willing to go through the game again before you reach level 90 hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete. Then select Task Manager and select the Processes Tab. I have found if you load up a lot of flash and if you use firefox you will see plugin-container.exe at the top of the list. Right now as I just loaded the game the program skyrocketed to nearly 400MB. If you were to check the Performance tab you will see memory and CPU usage. If the momory is near the max when you are playing this game then it's an good idea to grab some extra RAM.

I don't have CAD buttons. I had to rip them out. I thought I was accidentatlly hitting them with my hand when I typed and caused all sorts a problems. Turns out, my PC don't like to run IESpell program. That was causing my problems and I never put the buttons back in. I have Windows 7 so all I need to do is right click down in the task bar and select from the menu.

I forgot to check the memory when I got the message. Maybe I'll try it once more, but it takes a long time to go from level 50 to 90 in this game. Don't feel like doing it again, to be honest.

Can't use more RAM, either. RAM slots are full and I'm using the maximum already. This PC is small and slow to begin with. ATOM 330 cpu miniITX jobbie.
I have heard that you can use a separate flash drive as additional memory. Here is a blog entry about it. I have read that it gives the computer a slight performance boost so you could really use it. Though from what I know the Atom processor is not that great at flash so I can't really help you there.
Even on a Core 2 Duo with 3.whatever gigs of RAM, BTD4 runs slow and crashes, typically around level 110-120 or so.
I have heard that you can use a separate flash drive as additional memory. Here is a blog entry about it. I have read that it gives the computer a slight performance boost so you could really use it. Though from what I know the Atom processor is not that great at flash so I can't really help you there.

You ain't just whistlin' Dixie, pal.

I didn't buy this cheap-o PC for performance, so I know I should have limitations. Just not so blatant, though.

Even on a Core 2 Duo with 3.whatever gigs of RAM, BTD4 runs slow and crashes, typically around level 110-120 or so.

Ha! It's good to know I ain't got the only POS PC!

So, it's the game's fault, of sorts. It gets too bogged down after time. Why, I don't know. But, there it is. So, I take it everybody gets crashed before they can submit their high score? Stupid game design. I can't enter mine. It's stuck at 83. Lousy game design, if you ask me.
It's more of a Flash problem. Anytime you use a lot of memory in Flash, it's bound to crash.

Yeah, I'm playing right now. I'm reaching 600MB of memory use during the game. Idle is 250MB. I figure, if I reach my maximum memory use, it will crash.

Flash problem or lack of memory, it seems the same thing to me.
So, it's the game's fault, of sorts. It gets too bogged down after time. Why, I don't know. But, there it is. So, I take it everybody gets crashed before they can submit their high score? Stupid game design. I can't enter mine. It's stuck at 83. Lousy game design, if you ask me.
This is a screen shot I posted in the flash game thread back in April:


At that point, is was absolutely crawling and likely died shortly after I screen capped it.

Round 114 out of 50, almost $1M, no one had gotten through yet and, short of selling off the banana factories, nothing else could be built.

And then... nothing. :ouch:
My current game in progress...


EDIT: And it crashed again. This time level 89 which could have gotten my 3rd place. I'm done playing. It's pointless to do so.
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I just started round 84 87 90.

*crosses fingers*

Game over at level 92 because I got lazy and bored and stopped placing towers around level 58. :lol:
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I just started round 84 87 90.

*crosses fingers*

Game over at level 92 because I got lazy and bored and stopped placing towers around level 58. :lol:

I have a saved game at level 49. It has 10 banana farms and about 18,000 dollars to play with. One Plasma monkey which is more than enough to deal with the balloons. So, starting over is easy for me to start off.

I wonder what map is the best? I like the one I'm using. I think it's the one you can build the most banana farms on, if I'm not mistaken. That's the key to an easy victory. Building farms and then factories as soon as possible.