p2p Networking

  • Thread starter sicbeing
You hear about it every half a year or so, or at least I do in the news.

What are your thoughts on p2p Networking? and not specifically music either.. movies shows software music etc.

I honestly think it's just plain wrong, but too tempting to sit there and download thousands of dollars in computer files.

But I also think that we shouldnt compare prices to retail value, more like how much it cost to make a cd, like wholesale value. Because I still think that 12-30 dollars for music is ridiculous. I understand these are hard working musicians, but the fact that musicians make way more than they should plus half the music out there is garbage and just random people who put random crap together and call it a beat that makes no sense lyrically, makes me care less.
I use p2p for stuff it would be difficult albeit free for me to obtain (simpsons episodes etc) I would never download programs (other than those I could get for free) or music over p2p.
well that goes true for old game emulating too, such as old NES games that u really cant find anymore (in at least decent working condition)
Abandonware is one thing. So are things placed in the public domain by their rightful owners.

Anything that is copyright by its owner is stealing if you download it without the actual owner's permission.

It doesn't matter if it's commercially available or not, it's still stealing.
So you don't record your favorite TV shows on your VCR, Tivo, PVR, or DVR then? Recording TV shows is the same thing as downloading Videos, Music, and Ebooks off of a P2P Network. How about the posting of all those nifty car video links in the Videos & Photos Forum on this site. Most of videos are copyrighted. Something to think about. Jordan might want to start putting limits on the members of GTPlanet in order to protect him and his investments from getting sued, or having other legal troubles.


Abandonware is one thing. So are things placed in the public domain by their rightful owners.

Anything that is copyright by its owner is stealing if you download it without the actual owner's permission.

It doesn't matter if it's commercially available or not, it's still stealing.
There is nothing wrong with a P2P network or client programs. They are not illegal and they are not morally wrong.

The problem is transferring files that are copyright protected. There is no problem sharing your digital photo collection on a P2P network, but if you share your brand new Photoshop CS2 disc, then that is illegal.
So you don't record your favorite TV shows on your VCR, Tivo, PVR, or DVR then? Recording TV shows is the same thing as downloading Videos, Music, and Ebooks off of a P2P Network

Actually it isn't, although there's some legal sketchiness around it.

Say I record Red Dwarf from the TV. I'm using an analogue device (VCR) to record a digital or analogue transmission. That's fine. Now, I download a copy of the same episode via p2p - now it's not fine.

On the other hand, if I have purchased a DVD of the same episode, I now own digital personal use rights. I can freely download the same episode from p2p without breaking copyright law as long as it is for personal use and it is the exact same programme (rather than a slightly shorter or longer, edited version).

Complicated? You bet!
I just dont see a day where someones gonna bust in my house waving a badge saying to me "show me your legal copy of this song", i mean u could just say you wanted to sell your cds for cash so you copyed your favorite songs onto your computer via burner? (if u had one of corse). Its all the same file

ive always thought about like downloading crap and then namign the file something like asdasd just so no one looking at u thru your comp would ever know what it is. and there are different versions of cracked/hacked/remixed versions of programs out there.
I have a strong opinion about P2P. I'm not for it, but I'm not against it either. With movies I do believe it's wrong to download them, since after watching a movie once you usually don't feel like buying it anymore. Downloading games is ok with me if it's for evaluation purpose. If you download it and keep on playing it for weeks, that's wrong. I hate having to judge by a review and the box art whether to spend 60 bucks on a game, which I might not even like. I don't feel like downloading and installing a demo either since that way the publisher might show the only fun part of the game. (Postal 2 a perfect example of a game I was going to buy after playing the demo, but when I downloaded the whole game I was glad I didn't).

Music is another story. I'm for p2p sharing when it gets down to music. Record sales aren't the only thing a band/group/artist makes money from, concerts and merchandise often generate more income. I do think you should buy an album if you like it, but I'm not going to buy an album just by 2 snippets they provide you with. Also because of P2P I found out about a lot of artists I wouldn't have heard of before. I buy download many albums, I buy a lot and I delete the crappy music. Before I had the internet I bought albums I didn't like at all and wouldn't have bought, if I would have had the chance to hear it. People who only download and never buy are cheap wankers though, they should get arrested and get their computers taken away..
So you don't record your favorite TV shows on your VCR, Tivo, PVR, or DVR then? Recording TV shows is the same thing as downloading Videos, Music, and Ebooks off of a P2P Network.
No, it's not. If the music/show is broadcast, you're legally allowed to record it for your private use. You're still not allowed to distribute it, even for free. Technically you're not even allowed to play it for a large group of people (as in theatre).
How about the posting of all those nifty car video links in the Videos & Photos Forum on this site. Most of videos are copyrighted. Something to think about. Jordan might want to start putting limits on the members of GTPlanet in order to protect him and his investments from getting sued, or having other legal troubles.
If you'll note, the Best MOTORing and Initial D threads have been recycled for that very reason.
I have an iRiver H340 (MP3 player that plays avi files) I cant simply put a dvd in it and vob files (dvd files) are very difficult to copy into avi format. BBecause of this I am forced to download tv series over p2p in mpg/avi format and convert them.
My views on P2P networking itself: 👍

It's funny, people only think about the illegal uses of P2P. P2P is not just shorthand for "piracy", it's actually great technology that I'm all for. For example, they have P2P internet radio stations these days. These hybrid radio stations utilize P2P by spreading the bandwidth of the radio stream amongst all the listeners. So, a home user could run their own 192kbps with an infinite number of listeners, all without killing their own connection.

P2P networking is a great thing. You should change the question to "Views On Usage of P2P Networking".
I really couldn't tell you since I don't really buy that much anyway. However DVR's there is a point with since you can skip all the stupid commercials.