Paint Job

  • Thread starter TetsuoSTI
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Other then more cars, i would love to be able to paint my car, that would be so awsome, of course there would be only some special colors to be able to be painted on , but like cool colors, normal colors, not like funky candy apple red and burple and all that other crap, just normal colors.

that would be cool
No funky colors, eh? Normal colors, like the many choices you aleady get to pick when buying cars new anyway? Ommision of "funky" colors defeats the entire purpose of custom painting IMO. And candy apple red is one of my favorite colors for cars, especially older muscle cars and hot rods. Normal colors, even if they are cool, just aren't enough variety for a repaint option :indiff: .

And yes, this topic has come up many times before.
No, just choose the colour when you buy a car new from a pre-selected, usually rather limited, choice. They're talking about painting the car any colour, any time. Having a re-spary shop or something like that. Been discussed hundereds of times, the general feeling to the idea is a positive one.
this has been discussed in other threads? well ive been gone for a pretty long time, and i dont feel like searching for a similar thread, so ..... meh
this has been discussed in other threads? well ive been gone for a pretty long time, and i dont feel like searching for a similar thread, so ..... meh
Well, time to get back into the swing of things, because the search button is there to be used, and I can't be bothered continually closing duplicate threads just because you can't be bothered searching.
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