Painting Old Computer Case

i got this old Mini- ATX Computer.the case was all messed up when i found it in the garbage{it works,i got an old 10gig HD for it}.a crud load of goo-gone later and it looks a hell of alot better.

since it's a beater case,i like to paint it.anyone have experience with painting a computer case and give me some pointers?
grab yourself a sander and sand all the existing paint off of it and make sure the case is nice and smoothe.
-Round off any harsh corners
-put down a few coats of primer (build it up so it's as smoothe as possible)
-sand it till it's nice and smoothe again
-use extremely thin layers of paint and build it up
-wet sand it
-use a clear coat to finish it off

better yet, read through this guide - It's a lot more detailed and it'll explain what to do better: