PAL version in US playstations?

So if this does only come out in Japan and Europe then can we, the ****ed over Americans, just buy the PAL version and play it anyway? If so, are there any drawbacks? There should be a thread explaining this, I think a lot of people are wondering about it.
And mind your language, the swear filter is there for a reason.
Yes all games everywhere are currently region free, whether Sony change that in the future in uncertain but its most likely that they wont...

Just import GT5P when it comes out... or why not use it as an excuse to take a trip to the sunny UK!...... In november!

SD won't work if your TV does not support PAL SD (576i). This might be also problem with US PS3 wheter you have PAL support in TV or not.
If you have a TV that accepts 576i, as almost all new TVs do, then it doesn't matter what region PS3 you have, it will play PAL video.

If you have an older SD TV that is limited to 480i, then no matter what region PS3 you have, it won’t play PAL video in native resolution... but you can set the PS3 to scale the video and output in 480i, so again, no problem.

Of course for those with a HDTV all of this is irrelevant, as nearly all HDTVs accept 576i, but more importantly, nearly all games and videos have native HD versions, and of course you can set your PS3 to scale and output in HD, so again, no problem. 👍
Ess... Dee? What's this "SD" thing? :)

That's one thing I'm glad they're finally doing away with. HD is HD everywhere.. 1080p here is the same as 1080p over there. :)

That's a good thought, though. If they screw us over again, I think I will go for the European version.
S stands for standard. So "SD" is standard definition(NTSC 480i/p and PAL 576i/p)

And NTSC stands for Never Twice Same Color.(PAL Vs NTSC joke)

Just realised you were joking before me :D
Of course for those with a HDTV all of this is irrelevant, as nearly all HDTVs accept 576i, but more importantly, nearly all games and videos have native HD versions, and of course you can set your PS3 to scale and output in HD, so again, no problem. 👍
Where did you get this info from? I don't know of any TVs sold here in North America that accept PAL (576i). I have a DVD player that outputs PAL from a PAL disc, and so far all the TV's I've tried it with didn't display properly or anything at all. The TV's I tried it with included a JVC HDTV that's 1 year old and a Samsung LCD HDTV that's brand new.

However, that should be irrelevant, since if you play it in HD mode, shouldn't be any problems.
No drawbacks. The PS3 games aren't region locked.

I'm glad to hear that because I already preordered my prologue from Now all that's left is buy HDTV 1080p and HDMI monster cable. Which while we're on the subject what size tv would be "perfect" size I'm thinkg about 40"? :confused: Oh and yeah for some reason on it says that game will arrive in 2008 June 30 and I will get the game July 1. I hope they are wrong and we get prologue this October.

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