Panasonic's 103" Plasma 1080p TV

  • Thread starter Seanman
If you're embroiled in one of those battles in which you feel a constant need to one-up your neighbor (brother-in-law, co-worker, whatever) with your consumer electronics, getting your hands on this will put you ahead in a big way.

The world's biggest producer of plasma TVs is planning to sell the world's largest plasma TV by early 2007, reports Reuters and other sources.
103-inch TV

Matsu****a Electric Industrial announced Monday that it hopes to sell a 103-inch plasma TV, beating out Samsung's announced 102-inch plasma screen by exactly an inch. Described as "bigger than a double-sized mattress and almost as heavy as an upright piano," the flat-panel television measures about 7.8 by 4.5 feet and weighs a mammoth 474 pounds.

Though the company hasn't settled on a price point yet, its largest plasma television currently available (a mere 65 inches) goes for $7,500 in Japan, just to give you an idea.

While your neighbor might be insanely jealous if you snagged one of these next year, it's doubtful he'd trade utility bills with you.


I must have it....

CNet article link
Now the missues will really have a fight on her hands to stop me forking out a load of cash.
*But honey, I don't want it, we neeeeeeed it.

Oh, alright. I guess we can get the 102" instead.* :guilty:
Cost might be an issue, ah what the heck, that thing is a bigger display than my projection screen and thats BIG. No really, the insides of my head go crazy when I see stuff like this it gives me a headache and subsequently the missues gets one when I'm still not done with the begging. In my head I'm thinking a bit like this "it's going to be too damn expensive, I have a digital projector and a nice TV already" and then "oh whatever, it'd be cool to have it, imagine THAT in your living room, I'm into movies enough... Arn't I. Yeah I am, I NEED IT." :lol:.

Probably will be too expensive to justify though.

But we'll see.

Look, there I go again, I just can't say no. It's like special edition DVDs, hell I don't even have to like the film, if it's in a shiny case with "special" or "collectors edition" on the front I'm sold :dopey:.
How far back do you need to be to see the screen properly? With my mere 46" TV I'm supposed to be at least 9' away. I'd be in my neighbours house to view that monstrosity!! :eek:
Still, if you can afford that you can afford a big house!
But I would'nt say no to one... I'll just knock a wall down....I'd think of something...
My livingrooms are linked with sliding doors, I could just have the TV in one and sit in the other :lol:.
Solid Lifters
Bigger is never better.

But don't tell my wife that, 'cause she'll just laugh in your face. :D

That's got me thinking. I'll bet that television would add at least 3 inches to your manhood - which would bring my total to 13, which is just too much. That does it. I can't own that television.
I can see the headlines now..."Rap star crushed by falling 103" Plasma as it fell from his should-have-been-reinforced ceiling"
I can see the headlines now..."Rap star crushed by falling 103" Plasma as it fell from his should-have-been-reinforced ceiling"

It might also fit on the headliner of his Maybach :)
That's got me thinking. I'll bet that television would add at least 3 inches to your manhood - which would bring my total to 13, which is just too much. That does it. I can't own that television.

You're only 10" tall?

Dwarf. :D
Snortin Norton
Not even 1080i, 1080p. Is there even a definition out there that supports that yet?

I think the new DVDs support that. I suppose there would be a line multiplier for HD to upconvert it to that format, though I imagine it results in only a marginal improvement in picture quality.
hddvd and blu ray are *supposed* to be encoded in 1080p since that's the HD format the film industry is currently recording at. Otherwise there are dvd players that'll upconvert a normal dvd to 1080p

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