- 1,531
- ScruffybUK
Take one Kawasaki GPz1100
Strip it too a Bare Frame and Start again
End with the Above Bike
Weight with Fuel 440lb (110lb lighter than stock)
Power 126 BHP Measured at the Back Wheel ( 20% More thank Stock)
More fun than putting a lighted stick of Dynamite in your mouth . Bonkers Engine and light weight meant a Exciting Ride .
Fast forward to 2003
Take a Standard 1200 Bandit
Break it into small sizeable lumps , sell everything not needed .
End up with another 440lb bike with 125BHP again measured at the back wheel . All for less than £1300 to Build .
2005 and 30,000 odd miles later change it around a bit .
2006 Get Divorced so Change it too a Single Seater .
2008 Sell the Bandit Chop and buy a Harley
6 Months later Deicde a Standard Bike is Boring get a one off Frame Made
5 Months after that the Present Bike is Ready and i'm still happy with it 18 months later .