PC Specs

  • Thread starter huskeR32
United States
Lincoln, NE
I've recently been using my quarantine time to get into some of the Forza offerings that have made their way to PC. The other day, I fired up Motorsport 6: Apex, and it told me that my hardware didn't meet minimum spec, and would likely struggle to run it well. Which is weird, because, according to the Microsoft store:

CPU: Intel Core i3-4170 @ 3.7 Ghz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 740/ Radeon R7 250X
Memory: 8GB

CPU: Intel Core i7-3820 @ 3.6 Ghz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 / Radeon R9 290X
Memory: 12GB

And I have:
CPU: Core i7 4790k @ 4.4 Ghz
GPU: GTX 980
Memory: 8GB

So, I easily exceed the CPU recommendation, I easily exceed the GPU minimum, and am one step above the recommended, and I meet the minimum RAM (and I have a hard time believing that would be the issue here). The game ended up running fine on the low settings it was forced into, and it handled things just fine when I turned up the settings. (As an aside, Horizon 3 has the same exact specs and runs with no problems on my PC.)

The main reason I was playing Apex in the first place was to make sure my PC handled it alright before dropping money on Forza 7. Is this just a case of buggy hardware detection, or is the relatively low RAM really weighted that heavily in their checks? It'd be pretty annoying to buy 7, run into the same problem, and have to reset my video settings every time I played. So before I buy, has anyone played 7 on a setup similar to mine? Did it perform alright?

FWIW, I'll be playing on a TV @ 1080p/60fps, so I don't need it to push crazy numbers.
If Forza 7 runs anything like Horizon 4, 8GB RAM won't cut it. RAM usage hovers over the 10GB mark on my system in that game.
IIRC I was able to run Forza 6: Apex on max settings on my old rig (i5 4460, R9 380 4GB, 8GB RAM), but I suspect 7 is more intensive.
The RAM will hurt you a bit. 16GB is really the safe minimum for Forza M7 and H4. Out of curiousity, how many RAM slot you have? (I have a TON of DDR3 lying around. ;) )
The RAM will hurt you a bit. 16GB is really the safe minimum for Forza M7 and H4. Out of curiousity, how many RAM slot you have? (I have a TON of DDR3 lying around. ;) )

So, turns out I have 16GB, which is what I actually what I thought I had. The day I posted this, I wasn't around my computer, so I dug out old email receipts from when I bought the parts for this build, and that only listed 8GB, so that's what I wrote here. But now that I'm actually sitting here looking at the computer, there's definitely 2x8 in there... Whoops! :lol:
Who knows Apex is pretty old now could be that it just did not recognize some of your hardware so gave you that message. I have saw this with lot sof older games running on newer systems. I've got one old game that requires something like 10mb disk space and like 8mb ram when it sees ram in gb and space in tb it just doesn't know what to do with that info and says that it might not run ;)
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Who knows Apex is pretty old now could be that it just did not recognize some of your hardware so gave you that message. I have saw this with lot sof older games running on newer systems. I've got one old game that requires something like 10mb disk space and like 8mb ram when it sees ram in gb and space in tb it just doesn't know what to do with that info and says that it might not run ;)
Yeah, games like KOTOR and Mass Effect 1 don't know what my CPU or GPU is (Both are too new), so they fail me on the startup check, but the games work fine.