PC Wheel Button MappingPC 

United States
West Virginia
HBR Roadhog
I have been trying to get the buttons mapped on my wheel in such a way that I am comfortable but as with many things thus far in P-Cars it is frustrating. Earlier I was able to start a race by pressing button 1 and go backwards by pressing button 2. Now neither of those work and on the button assignments page there is no hint at mapping buttons for UI navigation. The online manual is no help at all, ever thing I have had a question about is not covered in the manual.

Anyone know how to map buttons for the UI?
Looks like the problem was caused by wheel driver. Button 1 was mapping to a different button than it was supposed to so after I sorted that out I can navigate in game with the two buttons I was using before.

Still would be good if there was an option to map game controls