PD GT4 Photomode Tournament - Round 2 Poll

Round 2

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

This poll is multiple choice.

You must vote for one photo in each match, all at the same time( 7 votes). You may only submit your votes 1 time, so if you dont vote in all matches the first time, you cannot come back and vote again later. Do no vote for a theme. :dunce:
Recheck your votes, before you submit.
Make sure all your votes are correct. If you pay attention to what you are doing, this should not be a problem.

Poll will last for 3 days.
Winners from each match will advance to the third round.

Good luck to everyone!


Match 5: brain scan
automatically advances to the third round.
His challenger did not submit an entry. This is his winning entry.

:eek: :eek: Wow, what an incredible field. Slipztrem and Franz deserve votes so badly but I had to vote for their opponents. Nothing but great pics here 👍
Wow 440, you went in a way different direction than I did. I don't think I'll be able to offer the challenge PB did!

I'm a bit disappointed my theme didn't have both people submit shots, but oh well. Arsenal and LMRacer both picked a Supra, and I'm having a very hard time deciding between them. Same goes with Krame and Rev; I'll need time to decide. DO's and Jacoja's match too, come to think of it!

Awesome showing, everybody 👍

(EDIT) - Just thought of it now... we both used the same car too! :lol:
Way to go on that first poll TF! HAHA!:)

Hey, we both had the same Bob in mind Slip. I went with the portrait, cleaned up version of Bob. I really did'nt like this theme at all. Not any fun. Sorry to whoever suggested the theme, I think it was Vonie, but I just did'nt like it. I tried for hours to get a adequate shot of Bob, but failed.

And Franz, that Legacy looks great. I voted for you, but it is gonna be very tough for you to beat that scenic rally shot of GR. And Atlop, that's one of the best ariel shots I have seen at the Nurb. All in all, pretty good shots this round.
I just had an idea. Maybe to solve the problem of having 9 people next round, brain scran and vr6 could go against eachother, since their opponents dropped out. Either use the pics they already have entered or come up with a new theme for them and then it will narrow it down to 8.
My focus was on him cranking the wheel; my original plan was to have him following a new '05 GT, which would've been just up ahead; but after hours of attempts to get that car to show up I gave up. I didn't want to do the typical "interior" shot, because they would all invariably look similar to Rev's shot in the past week's Advanced comp. Nothing against that shot; it's cool, but I wanted something different. Too bad Bob's such a squinter ;).
Way to go on that first poll TF! HAHA!:)
:banghead: :dunce:
I just had an idea. Maybe to solve the problem of having 9 people next round, brain scran and vr6 could go against eachother, since their opponents dropped out. Either use the pics they already have entered or come up with a new theme for them and then it will narrow it down to 8.
It wouldnt be fair to them to put their pics against each other, because they had different themes, and we dont have time for them to make new ones, and then make a new poll for it. We're just going to have a phototravel round next, to eliminate 1 person.
WOW guys, tough, tough, decisions. Each pic carries its own uniqueness. Great job everyone! Great pic Franz 👍.
ahhh WTF!!!! i thought this site was all jacked! i shoulda been in this tournament... could i enter a pic right now... i will send it to you tf. sorry i havent been on this site for a while becuase it was down or whatever. please let me continue! PLEASE!
this was a tough round to vote on. :scared:

match 2 goes to the goofy smile, match 6 goes to DO for the cool car poise, match 7 was real close, but i like garnett's color, and match 9 goes to krame for the fantastic dark composition.👍

good shots to everyone though. especially my opponent
ahhh WTF!!!! i thought this site was all jacked! i shoulda been in this tournament... could i enter a pic right now... i will send it to you tf. sorry i havent been on this site for a while becuase it was down or whatever. please let me continue! PLEASE!
I cannot edit the poll, once it has been submitted. You had four days to check on it. Theres not much i can do at this point. Sorry.
was it just me or was this site all messed up for a while?... it was just not updating. it seems it has been workin for a little bit now but i just found out today. well this is what i would have entered to compete against vr6... there is no way to just put vr6 and i in a seperate vote? its not like we are against everyone else... i mean i would have been on time if this wasnt eastern time... cmon just this one favor... how bout u ask vr6 if its alright? vr6?
I would make a poll for you primer, but it's not up to me. Technically you missed the deadline, but not by long, and you have a decent shot. If it was a pathetic shot I would have said forget it, but your shot looks pretty nice. But, you would first need to get a properly linked image to view in full size. Anyway, it's not up to me, it's up to TF.:)
Excellent entries this round, I always like to see what people come up with when under pressure! :D

match 1: I have to say both are a little disappointing to me at first, the first because it uses such a common camera angle (but does so very well), the second because to me it is tilted unnecessarily, which is a shame because it is a potentially great angle (despite the poor forestry by PD).

match 2: the first shot is nicely framed and balanced and the sepia tone gives it a warm and friendly look, goes well with the expression on Bob's face. The second is very well detailed, but I think needs to be a bit more closely focused on the driver - it is almost at a great over-the-shoulder view, but is just a bit too distant for that to work for me.

match 3: The black one seems a bit dark at first, but opening it to full size shows an extra level of detail and brings out the action in it. The second one looks better in preview size as in full it lacks a sence of speed.

match 6: Both these shots are very good but the McLaren SLR wins out because the car itself works so well in such a tight close-up. Danger Orange's shot is well balanced but the colours are surprisingly muted for him, the cars almost blend in too well.

match 7: As good as franz's shot is, it just doesn't work for me today. Maybe it's because I've seen a similar shot by him that was far superior (imo), but the angle on the liberty doesn't seem quite right. It could be the colour of the car or the height of the camera, but the face on the car just isn't saying anything to me. In contrast the Impreza is shouting in my face and the the vibrant colours really make it stand out (though I do really like all the blue tones in franz's shot). My main critisizm would be that it is tilted too far, making the shot seem flatter than it is (less of a tilt would have given the car a little more attitude), but overall it is a style of shot that isn't often seen in these comps and is rarely executed so well.

match 8: I don't really like either of these shots; the first is framed nicely enough but it doesn't convey any sense of motion or that it's even in a race, the second is better composed but ruined by way too much tilt - straightening it up and pulling the camera back to get both cars in frame would have made them a little smaller and thus less detailed, but the overall effect of the shot would have been enhanced imo.

match 5: (had it gone ahead) I can't remember what the theme is but I would have voted for VR6's shot as it's different, well balannced and very neat - the only thing spoiling it is his sig! Primerdimer's shot is not at all bad, but to me it is too closely cropped - I would like to see more of where the car is going and come from, as if the photographer was taking a shot of the fence and the car just happend to slide by.
ha, thanks for the comprehensive conclusion brock:tup: i noticed you commented on the lack of "finish" on my pic.

i couldnt agree more. i didnt have time to massage my week 2 entry. a couple of nights ago i was like, damn, i gotta snap a shot for the comp. so i proceeded to take the pic on the first attemt.

i will have to man up next time around. good lick to all still in the runnings!
Great breakdown on the matchups Brock 👍. Really good read! Good to see someone really "look" at the pics and disect them.
Holy ... that's a nice shot GR 👍
it looks like a painting masterpiece
I think we will have a close match
Oh hell, this is tight! I knew my entry wasn't good in any way, but it was all I could get out of the theme really. My list: atlop, cause it's just better; 440, I just couldn't resist that smile :dopey: ; lmracer, to be honest, both pics are a bit plain, but I had to choose; jajoca, I like it just more than DO's shot; franz, it looks so real :eek: ; Bee, just to be fair, and also cause the pic is good; revolution, that's the pic rev!!!

Best of luck to everyone! 👍 Great entries!
Bee, just to be fair, and also cause the pic is good

Deffinatley not one of my best but thanks! 👍 I voted for yours to keep the fairness going. Got a close match going though. Good luck! :)

Great shots everyone, round 3 is sure to be amazing.

And thanks to everyone who has so far voted for me.
Wow, I never thought I would be winning by 30 votes against Slip. I am kind of shocked. I am happy I am winning, but I wish it would have been closer. It was a tough theme. I will be sure to come up with something good in Photo Travel for round 3 for us Slip, and PB.👍
Most of the matches this time are so lopsided. All the pics are very good though. I hope I can catch up with Rev.
The franz vs. garnettrules21 match up only has 3 votes in it.. I wouldn't call that lopsided.

Darn looks im on my final scene, well done SkylineGoes!
The franz vs. garnettrules21 match up only has 3 votes in it.. I wouldn't call that lopsided.

Darn looks im on my final scene, well done SkylineGoes!

I know, I didn't say all of them were.
:lol: 440 ur shot is wicked funny. the expression on bob is priceless :lol:
u got my vote not only because of bob, but also the colors. very nice man :D
:lol: 440 ur shot is wicked funny. the expression on bob is priceless :lol:
u got my vote not only because of bob, but also the colors. very nice man :D

Thanks. He looks like he just cut somebody off or someting and he is kinda smirking about it. I should have tried to make him look mad, but that would have been a little too much extra modification of the picture. But that was the only idea I could come up with. Make Bob look as good as possible.

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