Excellent entries this round, I always like to see what people come up with when under pressure!
match 1: I have to say both are a little disappointing to me at first, the first because it uses such a common camera angle (but does so very well), the second because to me it is tilted unnecessarily, which is a shame because it is a potentially great angle (despite the poor forestry by PD).
match 2: the first shot is nicely framed and balanced and the sepia tone gives it a warm and friendly look, goes well with the expression on Bob's face. The second is very well detailed, but I think needs to be a bit more closely focused on the driver - it is almost at a great over-the-shoulder view, but is just a bit too distant for that to work for me.
match 3: The black one seems a bit dark at first, but opening it to full size shows an extra level of detail and brings out the action in it. The second one looks better in preview size as in full it lacks a sence of speed.
match 6: Both these shots are very good but the McLaren SLR wins out because the car itself works so well in such a tight close-up. Danger Orange's shot is well balanced but the colours are surprisingly muted for him, the cars almost blend in too well.
match 7: As good as franz's shot is, it just doesn't work for me today. Maybe it's because I've seen a similar shot by him that was far superior (imo), but the angle on the liberty doesn't seem quite right. It could be the colour of the car or the height of the camera, but the face on the car just isn't saying anything to me. In contrast the Impreza is shouting in my face and the the vibrant colours really make it stand out (though I do really like all the blue tones in franz's shot). My main critisizm would be that it is tilted too far, making the shot seem flatter than it is (less of a tilt would have given the car a little more attitude), but overall it is a style of shot that isn't often seen in these comps and is rarely executed so well.
match 8: I don't really like either of these shots; the first is framed nicely enough but it doesn't convey any sense of motion or that it's even in a race, the second is better composed but ruined by way too much tilt - straightening it up and pulling the camera back to get both cars in frame would have made them a little smaller and thus less detailed, but the overall effect of the shot would have been enhanced imo.
match 5: (had it gone ahead) I can't remember what the theme is but I would have voted for VR6's shot as it's different, well balannced and very neat - the only thing spoiling it is his sig! Primerdimer's shot is not at all bad, but to me it is too closely cropped - I would like to see more of where the car is going and come from, as if the photographer was taking a shot of the fence and the car just happend to slide by.