PD GT4 Round 1 - Match 2 (440 CHARGER vs Div is back)- Tie-breaker poll

Who moves on to round 2?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Poll is one day only.
Winner will move on to round 2.

Good luck!

Good luck to you too Div.:) But is this going to change anything? Are'nt the same people going to vote for the same picture?
Div is back
Well, in 1 day, I don't think all who voted will vote again.

Yeah, I agee, but I don't think it is fair, unless you were to get more than 50 voters. But I guess also that the early voters are the people that are regulars on the site and would have a little more say-so in the matter, so I guess it will work out fine.
Who voted for the match :dunce:, that could have been the winning vote right there. This is insane!
Man ... my stomach hurts :lol:
wondering how TF handles this complicate situation
Div is back
I suggest that me and 440 move on, and take on DO.

The best of the 3 pics of the next round will move on.

I would think thats the fairest. Or maybe all 3 of you are in one poll for the next round and make it a knockout for whoever is behind after 1/2 the voting period or something like that.
Are you kidding me!? Now what did I say? Na, just kidding.:) Div's idea would have to be the solution. It sounds good to me, unless you can think of something better tf. Whatever you come up with, I am sure it will be fine.
Since there seems to be no way to resolve this match with a poll,
I will need both of you to make an entry for Round 2 - Match 2.


# 440/Div vs. #7 Danger Orange
George Paris - Cathedral Rocks
Any cars.
No phototravel.

You have 2 days to send me your entries.
I will put both entries in a poll for 1 day.
The poll will start 1 day before the main tournament poll is made.
Whoever wins the 1 day poll, will compete against Danger Orange, for that Round 2 match.
If either of you fail to send me an entry within 2 days,
your competitor will automatically be placed in the match with Danger Orange.
It wouldnt be fair for Danger Orange to have to compete against two people next round,
so this is how it will have to be done.
Good luck!​
That sounds good to me. I actually had thought about that, Div and I redo an entry and have a new poll. It's really the only way to settle it. So here we go again Div.:)
That's nice ... it's gonna be a serious competition
at least either of you will get enough warm up to against DO
this is fun 👍
well there shouldn't have been a tie in this one, as someone voted for the title... sooooo that person WOULD"VE been the tie-breakin vote. lol
It was GorgeMorely. This is the second time he's done this. He needs to read. I think whoever got to 19 votes first advances.
That was amazing guys, a draw followed by a draw 👍