PD has completely broken the G27 for GT5 AND GT6!!!!

United States
Wichita Falls
everything worked fine yesterday and last night then this morning at noon when i wake up to drive, i can shift the gear properly, both the paddle shifter and h shifter is completely f:censored:d... if your car is setup to MT, you can physically be in N but when autopilot shuts off it'll auto-shift you to 4th then when you physically shift down to 3rd with the gate it'll stay in 4th, shift down to 2nd and it goes to 3rd, put it in 4th and the gear jumps up to 5th, put her in 5th and she'll go to 6th (if the car has a 6th), put it in reverse to back it'll put you back in first when you let up on the clutch... I'm so :irked: with PD and the GT series right now!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬:grumpy:🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬:mad:🤬
I have a G27 and it's fine.

Sounds more like a shifter fault than the game being to blame, try unplugging the shifter from the wheel unit and seeing if the paddles work ok without it.

Logitech customer service is pretty good if your wheel is still under warrenty, can't remember the duration of the warrenty, may even be 2 or 3 years.
Sounds like the wheel peripheral connectors (foot pedal, shifter) might need to be re-seated. If they become partially dislodged, they can produce results like that. I have to reseat my DFGT's pedal connector on occasion to solve similar issues.
its not the hardware, i've tried on several other games and they work fine. GRID Autosport, DiRT 3, Wangan Midnight (PS3), TXR3 (PS2), NFS: Pro Street, they all work fine... and my foot pedals work fine across all games. My setup is bolted down all the way around so there is no way the connections have gotten loose...
Nothing wrong with my G27 on GT6... just had another session on the SLS TT at The 'Ring and worked good enough to rank 14th :)

It's your wheel, not the game.
-_- Are you f:censored:g kidding me? :grumpy: Then if it is my wheel that is the issue then please explain to me why it works FLAWLESSLY in EVERY other racing game but not PD's games?
everything worked fine yesterday and last night then this morning at noon when i wake up to drive, i can shift the gear properly, both the paddle shifter and h shifter is completely f:censored:d... if your car is setup to MT, you can physically be in N but when autopilot shuts off it'll auto-shift you to 4th then when you physically shift down to 3rd with the gate it'll stay in 4th, shift down to 2nd and it goes to 3rd, put it in 4th and the gear jumps up to 5th, put her in 5th and she'll go to 6th (if the car has a 6th), put it in reverse to back it'll put you back in first when you let up on the clutch... I'm so :irked: with PD and the GT series right now!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬:grumpy:🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬:mad:🤬
Try posting the exact combination of car and transmission option, if any, you are using and let someone else try it on their system. Not all combinations of transmission and clutch/shifter work properly in the game. If someone tries your combination and gets different results, then the problem is on your end, with your equipment.
Yes. You have offended the gloryness of thy steering wheel and thou shalt be punished with the wrath of His Roundness himself. And thou shalt never be pivoting the round object around the digital axis ever again unless you redeem your sins.
-_- Are you f:censored:g kidding me? :grumpy: Then if it is my wheel that is the issue then please explain to me why it works FLAWLESSLY in EVERY other racing game but not PD's games?
The way you're behaving and talking to others is against the Acceptable Use Policy. I'm not a mod, just a regular user giving you a heads up. :)
Try updating the wheel and the game (assuming you haven't) .

I'll check logitech's website for news on firmware updates, for as long as the wheel has been out I wouldnt think they'd have to update the firmware anymore unless maybe if they're working on releasing a new wheel for next gen and just using the G27 as a test mule.....good looking out sems :)
I'll check logitech's website for news on firmware updates, for as long as the wheel has been out I wouldnt think they'd have to update the firmware anymore unless maybe if they're working on releasing a new wheel for next gen and just using the G27 as a test mule.....good looking out sems :)
It would be news to me if there were firmware updates for the G27, I don't think that is necessary for the G27. If you use it on PC you need the Logitech Profiler and that's it. As I said earlier, post your settings, and let someone else check it on their system.
I'll check logitech's website for news on firmware updates, for as long as the wheel has been out I wouldnt think they'd have to update the firmware anymore unless maybe if they're working on releasing a new wheel for next gen and just using the G27 as a test mule.....good looking out sems :)

Yeah give it a shot you never know, if nothing comes up post your settings here.

Good luck
1st i tried just driving AT for a race then i tried restoring default settings in profiler then test, that fixed the paddles but still couldnt use the gate so i had to drive Semi-Auto for a race then the forward gears started to half:censored: work, finally unbolted my wheel and unplug/replug all wires then all gears worked forward and reverse...i wonder why all that only affected GT5 and GT6 but not the other games? :confused:
Me too, in the Quick Match, my G27 steering at few corner at Trial Mountain suddenly lose a lot responsiveness to steer. Just like tires wear come suddenly! Hope it is bugs in that Quick Match on that day.
1st i tried just driving AT for a race then i tried restoring default settings in profiler then test, that fixed the paddles but still couldnt use the gate so i had to drive Semi-Auto for a race then the forward gears started to half:censored: work, finally unbolted my wheel and unplug/replug all wires then all gears worked forward and reverse...i wonder why all that only affected GT5 and GT6 but not the other games? :confused:

As I understand it PD will be using wheel driver software unique to the game and that loads with the game. Which means that the hardware "talks" to the game in a manner unique to GT. So it's possible that hardware faults (even transient ones like you had) can affect GT in a unique way.
1st i tried just driving AT for a race then i tried restoring default settings in profiler then test, that fixed the paddles but still couldnt use the gate so i had to drive Semi-Auto for a race then the forward gears started to half:censored: work, finally unbolted my wheel and unplug/replug all wires then all gears worked forward and reverse...i wonder why all that only affected GT5 and GT6 but not the other games? :confused:

As I noted earlier, if a connection becomes unstable or intermittent, it can result in the condition you experienced, due to a "confused" state of the values it's supposed to present to the game. When you encounter it again, (which you will likely do at some point unless you replace all of the stock connectors with locking connectors, try re-seating the connectors, and nine times out of ten (or hopefully ten out of ten) the problem will vanish. I experience similar problems from time to time with my DFGT when the foot pedal connector loosens.

The problem is in large part (if the G27's DB9 connectors are like the one used on the DFGT), due to the fact that Logitech left out the normal connector lock-downs on each side of the connector for "ease of transportability". Time and the bouncing about of your wheel unit during some hard racing can slowly unloosed the connectors over time.

Hints: Some creative application of stiff foam behind the connectors as "soft stops" for the connector bodies might help that, as would modifying the G27 body to include the screw lockdown points normally found on each side of DB9 connector or replacing them altogether with locking connectors (although... modding the G27 isn't something I'd recommend unless you're saavy with a soldering iron and device modifications.). EDIT: oh, you can also consider tying down the cabling so that accidental tugs don't compromise the connectors, even if it seems counter-intuitive because the connectors are facing "the other way"

Also, get some "wire drier" from an auto parts store and apply to the connectors to reduce any issues with corrosion, if you happen to live in a high humidity location. Although in my estimation, it's far less likely the culprit, contact corrosion can result in an identical situation and though less likely, it's not an unreasonable thing to consider as well..
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Me too, in the Quick Match, my G27 steering at few corner at Trial Mountain suddenly lose a lot responsiveness to steer. Just like tires wear come suddenly! Hope it is bugs in that Quick Match on that day.

Same thing happened to my G27 in QM @ Trial Mountain on Friday. Steering and FFB stopped functioning 100% at a critical moment in 2nd to last corner........so I plowed right into a barrier head on. Reminded me of when Jimmy Johnson did that in NASCAR @ Watkins Glen several years ago.....LOL. Had to shut down GT6 and PS3 to recover functionality.
Sounds more like a either a game bug, or a software bug in your G27.

It works perfectly fine for me.
Nothing you guys have said is worse than what happened to me a couple weeks ago. I was racing in the 800,00 Cr. drift trial:D, with an AEM S200, drifting with my DFGT, and suddenly, the GT symbol started flickering, and I smelled smoke. Come to find out, I FRIED the FFB motor while drifting:banghead: and had to wait a week for a G27 (which works fine, apart from occasionally counting neutral as a gear,) so, it can definitely be worse:):lol:
@Salvaged1Gdsm, time spent here versus time what is needed for checking your wheel cables.. you just need to check your cables, or your shifter might have problem, seen several times loosen wire inside shifter, if not visible cables you should open your shifter and check is that incoming wire well connected on PCB. It might be touching barely connectors and that why it works someway but not normally.

Game and G27 are working well here.