- 8,725
Hey, if you want this problem in GT6 good for you. I don't. I apologize.
There you go again!
It really bears no relation to what I said. It's almost like you're trolling. Almost.
Saying it is p2p so PD is not to blame is a huge leap. Sure the OP might not have the best networking knowledge and blamed the wrong aspect, but p2p or not it is PDs code that runs it all. PDs code is what is stopping people from entering rooms, it is their code that is dropping people out of races, their code that shows blank names, their code that allows invisible cars etc.
Without code there is no p2p, it all has to bet setup and managed.
That's not what was at issue, though; it was about being unable to race with 16 people, but 14 was OK (so: latency).
I'm not disputing that there are problems, I had huge issues just playing with people in the same house at launch, as well as the terrible connection (contention ratio?) to the actual servers giving me grief in every menu and not even allowing me to see the list of public rooms. Most of these issues disappeared sometime at the beginning of 2010, and I now only get the odd difficulty if someone is abusing the connection (my problem). Perhaps the crappy service is merely doing the rounds? Those that at one time could play great, now no longer can; those that couldn't, now can? Who knows.
On the other hand, you cannot expect mere code to account for all situations, especially those outside of PD's control.