Pebble Smartwatch

United States
Chesterfield, MI
Anybody using a Pebble smartwatch? I'm looking to pick up either a Pebble Steel or a Pebble Time to use with my iPhone. Not willing to spend $400 on an iWatch, so looking for cheaper alternatives with better battery life.
Anybody using a Pebble smartwatch? I'm looking to pick up either a Pebble Steel or a Pebble Time to use with my iPhone. Not willing to spend $400 on an iWatch, so looking for cheaper alternatives with better battery life.

LG G Watch R, I have it and love it.

Moto 360 v2 is going to be out soon which means the v1 will drop in price.

What smart phone do you have?
EEVblog on the smart watch

Tear down of the smart watch

How strong it is when put to the test