Penalities - Flags

  • Thread starter RedOak
Dry Tarmak
Anyone else would like to see actual Penalities system implemented for the next installement of the GT series?

Yellow flags, Red Flags, Pit penalities... and so on? This would help offline AND online play...

Rather then have a 5 seconds 1st gear penality ...
How would you make them follow? There is already the pitlane drive through penalty.

Would be nice to have flag waving marshalls, though.
Yeah realistic flag system would be great, it'd need to be applied to the AI as well so if they smash into you they get penalised.
Realistic penalties and flags would be neat, assuming they could implement it properly (i.e. no unquestionably bogus calls) and, as live4speed said, make it apply to the AI as well. It would also be really cool if, on the cool down lap, all the marshals came up to the edge of the pavement and waved all their flags like they do in real life. :D
On a somewhat related note, I also think it would be kinda neat to have pit boards that showed the sort of info real ones did, i.e. gap to car ahead/behind, laps remaining, etc.
I'd love to see flags, but only if it's done right. Look at the 5sec penalty. It's frustrating enough that the AI never gets them, but the fact that you get one if the AI bumps into your side just does it all. If it's the same with the flags, no thanks.
pSI civic
a blue flag is needed very badly. i'm sick of getting forced off the road by laped cars.

Maybe if they wanted to be super realistic they could add a "flip the birdie" button, but use it too much and the GTA would make you pay a 5,000Cr fine. :P
Yes, me thinks a penalty system would do well, especially for the ai drivers who ram you off the road. And even in 2 player mode this system would do good, for those with friends who enjoi ruining races by ramming you off the road and making you fall waaayyy back on the last laps of a race. Good idea! 👍
Agree with everything said. Flags and penalties would be great. And if they don't fix the AI, the "flip the bird" button would be a must. Great idea!

Only slightly off-topic: One thing I would like to see is the ability to control your own starts, especially with standing starts. This would be an option, so the hard-core people could control when they start, while newbies could still rely on the game to tell them when to go.

Back on topic: Of course, if you jumped the start, you would get a black flag and a stop-and-go penalty.
to further your point, i'd like to control my own pit lane speed.

now as to the flip the bird option, i'd pay the money... not much is worse then coming up on a car thats 5 laps down near the end of a lap at the ring doing 140mph and getting forced off and losing 10+ seconds.
yeah well on that note, they PD better not skimp on the AI this time around. there is nothing worse then raceing against "lifeless" opponents. i want to be able to phyche out opponents infront of me, haveing some one looming in your rear vision mirrior is always a stressful situation, and sooner of later something gotta go wrong. so with the ai cars able to make mistakes, and not just diliberately run off the course every now and then, would make the flag system a great addition to the game. JUST LIKE IN REAL LIFE!
hmm hhmmm... ever checked out how complicated making an AI is... if you want real life like opponents, why not race online?..

everyone's *****ing about online because its so hard to find good racers.. who about setting up an 'online' community for with password and stuff, only available to members and stuff...? how's that?
hmm hhmmm... ever checked out how complicated making an AI
For people who's job is to make good AI, they should make good AI, to put it simply, theres people who work for PD and Sony who's jobs are to make this AI. Why can't they just do thier jobs. Codemasters have been making decent AI since the mid-late 90's, why can't PD. I'm sorry but I won't accept any excuses like it's too hard, it costs too much, or race online then. The bottom line is, it's someones job to program the AI in GT games, if they don't do a good job of it they haven't done a good job of it, theres people who can do good jobs with AI and have been doing for some time. Theres no excuse.