
  • Thread starter Techy
United States
Simple thread: Show off your penmanship! This thread will probably compliment the Handedness thread, so sorry if this belongs in that thread or there's already one somewhere.

How will you show off your penmanship is up to you. As long as it is your genuine handwriting and that it gives out some sort of insight onto how it looks, it can be used. Of course, no editing allowed! If you must, you can scan it and touch it up to make it look all nice. Just not the writing itself. The ways you can exhibit your handwriting is also up to you, including the writing utensil & surface you use. You may even throw in some Kanji or something like that (make sure it's translated/transliterated). You can also use documents that shows your handwriting. Try anything you may like! :)

Here's my handwriting:

If you write small, you may have to link it to a larger image.
Can I...


Well, my handwriting is bad. Really bad. Worse than anyone my teachers have ever met. yeah, that bad. I'll see if I can get a photo of it.
I work with doctors, their handwriting has wore off on me so just imagine how that is. :lol:
Signatures can work. But I think it'll be better if you show off every nook and cranny of your handwriting. If you can't, that's fine.
I think he was referring to the car he drew, not his name next to it. ;)

I'll try getting something posted for this later.
I started answering phones at work, my handwriting went to hell. Today, there are times I can't read the phone number I wrote down myself! :dunce:
I did put together some 'evidence' concerning the graphological aspect of Handedness for the Handedness thread, but due to pressure of work and family have let the thread stagnate a bit; however, it's good to have a discussion specifically about Graphology since it is quite a broad and complicated subject in itself.
Qualified, and experienced, Graphologists can tell a lot about a person from their handwriting, and in fact is sometimes used by criminologists when profiling suspects - a reason why 'poison-pen' pushers use chopped up newsprint when taunting their victims.
How you dot your 'i's and cross your 't's say something. The angle of your slope, the height and depth of your characters, etc, all point to certain characteristics.
Hopefully we have a good graphologist in our circle that will volunteer to tell us from our examples of handwriting whether we have the qualities we'd like to have! :lol:
Shall post examples (both right and left, since I write with both) soon.

Harry. :)
How about that, a thread that actually suits what I spent years doing as a youth!

Here's a bit I knocked up in a few minutes like I used to do on my old school books, it's before breakfast so don't expect miracles, I need time to make quality pieces.



That handwriting is generally how I write unless it's on the board in school when it becomes a bit sloppier to make the kids work harder, plus I prefer a pen which I didn't have to hand.
This is a great idea. Instead of typing posts we can write each other letters, scan them and upload them here! :dopey:

I would have written that but I've been using computers and keypads for so many years that my writing really does look like the Devil is using me as a conduit for his maniacal scratchings...
When I write people have trouble reading it so I won't make you all suffer.

Oh and Shem. You have nice writing.
That's the sort of writing you see on receipts for tyres. :D

I write like that at work since I do a lot of stuff for engineers. They have a horrible habit of using 'off' instead of 'of' too.

We get lots of orders that say '3 off this item and 2 off the rest". What the hell is that all about?!