Perfect Penalty System... or not

  • Thread starter dodi280
I leave a video demonstrating the penalty system of the game, where it often penalizes who is a victim ...

I like the game very much, but this penalty system completely takes away the will to play, because it is impossible to make a clean race with this type of situation
I was playing around with the penalties on that circuit. You can give 26 seconds penalty to other players per lap with relative ease
Had the exact same experience yesterday (I'm in the red GTR):

Overall people seem to think that any kind of corner or straight is a good opportunity for an overtake.
I'm sure this has been said a hundred times. Everyone gets the same penalty, yes its not perfect but unless they're going to employ people to watch every race it's always going to be this cut and dry. The end-result is people that crash will hit multiple people and get an overall drop in SR and people getting hit will probably have a clean race otherwise, end result is they get a no-change or even a gain in SR. The occasional overall drop is not going to effect the SR gain after a few months, provided you are a clean racer.

But to Tekku : It's a game of averages, keep at it, cover your inside line (left that wide open) and it will (unless you're really unlucky) sort itself out. Just takes some work.
But to Tekku : It's a game of averages, keep at it, cover your inside line (left that wide open) and it will (unless you're really unlucky) sort itself out. Just takes some work.

Good advice, but he would have been nailed regardless. What it comes down to is people don’t SLOW DOWN use the brake or lift off. They just can’t do it.
I'm sure this has been said a hundred times. Everyone gets the same penalty, yes its not perfect but unless they're going to employ people to watch every race it's always going to be this cut and dry. The end-result is people that crash will hit multiple people and get an overall drop in SR and people getting hit will probably have a clean race otherwise, end result is they get a no-change or even a gain in SR. The occasional overall drop is not going to effect the SR gain after a few months, provided you are a clean racer.

But to Tekku : It's a game of averages, keep at it, cover your inside line (left that wide open) and it will (unless you're really unlucky) sort itself out. Just takes some work.

I didn't feel like there were a lot of options, as the car on the left was moving in on me and didn't slow down. I went wide and braked late as a precaution, knowing how aggressive people can be when they come close, but this ironically made me a target for the driver that I was the least worried about.
The penalty system works for the most part. But yes, I’ve encountered a few times where I was the victim. One I especially didn’t understand was the second to last corner on that track. A guy barely touched me, and flew off into the wall on the right side. I could continue as nothing had happened. I still got that 10 second penalty and a decrease in SR.

Awesome guy though. We had a few nice races together and a great conversation afterwards. :)
Wonder if he’s here on the ‘planet..
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I didn't feel like there were a lot of options, as the car on the left was moving in on me and didn't slow down. I went wide and braked late as a precaution, knowing how aggressive people can be when they come close, but this ironically made me a target for the driver that I was the least worried about.
I get that, see your point. Just one of those things, nice car though :D genuine crashers will get bored soon and have poor SR ratings, you'll be ok in the long run :)

Good advice, but he would have been nailed regardless. What it comes down to is people don’t SLOW DOWN use the brake or lift off. They just can’t do it.
The way I see it, is people that aren't used to clean racing naturally feel the need to get to 1st place after the first corner, because they can see it, it's there for the taking. Only when they try, they soon realise it was never possible. After some experience people will slow down into the first corner, maybe even lose places in effort to not hit anyone. It's just the art of racing, and I'd say most people don't get it.

GOTTA WIN GOTTA WIN GOTTA WIN as they cream down into the first corner inside 8 cars, only to smash into the guy in 3rd, hold up everyone behind and end up no better than where they started, only now everyone hates them.
I get that, see your point. Just one of those things, nice car though :D genuine crashers will get bored soon and have poor SR ratings, you'll be ok in the long run :)

Yeah I'll survive. Overall I've had great experiences, and this was one of those few occasions where it just didn't work out. And I don't believe the driver hit me intentionally, he just misjudged his braking point and got surprised about me going wide.
Drive clean and your SR will go up fast. Then you'll be in races where most drivers avoid crashes. Getting hit in the corners by people who brake too late is part of the game. I think alot of it is not knowing the tracks very well. This morning there were drivers in the new batch of races with no qualifying times. I mean come on, people. At least run a few laps before you jump into a race. And this was in DR B, SR A and S.